Love this vocabulary.
Been a fan of Eno for decades, never heard this!

On 4/19/16 5:19 PM, H LV wrote:
In exchange for a small royalty fee, the State could provide free
patent services. The royalties would affirm the existence of a
collective intelligence or what the artist Brian Eno calls "scenius"
from which an individual genius emerges.

Brian Eno on genius vs “scenius”:

What really happened was that there was sometimes very fertile scenes
involving lots and lots of people – some of them artists, some of them
collectors, some of them curators, thinkers, theorists, people who
were fashionable and knew what the hip things were – all sorts of
people who created a kind of ecology of talent. And out of that
ecology arose some wonderful work.


So I came up with this word “scenius” – and scenius is the
intelligence of a whole… operation or group of people. And I think
that’s a more useful way to think about culture, actually. I think
that – let’s forget the idea of “genius” for a little while, let’s
think about the whole ecology of ideas that give rise to good new
thoughts and good new work."


Ruby Carat
Eureka, CA USA

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