I very much would like to see attempted replications of Langmuir's 
hydrogen-tungsten experiment, as well as Wendt and Irion's exploding tungsten 
wire experiment and Paneth and Peter's PdH absorption experiment.

And there you have it!  WTF!  Is the whole “science” establishment so filled 
with cowardice or dominated by ‘physics as a religion’ that no one will do or 
discuss anomalies?

And speaking of heresy, it seems to me that if there is no Creator or single 
“Designer” of the universe, then we should fully expect anomalies, ‘work 
arounds’, paradoxes and “that’s just the way it is”  INSTEAD of ‘elegant” 
theories.   Even if you maintain that all traces of Theology have been removed 
from scientific endeavor, I still would point out that the universe is 
ultimately ARBITRARY.  It ‘just is’ –and so said astrophysicist Victor 
Mansfield ( kinda  New Age) and Victor Stenger ( hard core atheist – as in his 
explanations of quantum correlated photons – Bell, Alain).

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