A few thoughts occur to me on this.

1. I have heard many ultraenvironmentalists sending out this line of
reasoning over the years, and have heard them say that they are absolutely
sure we are in serious trouble, and that it is all man's fault. Many say
they would be their life on it, 100% certainty. Why then, does no one ever
want to take me up on my wager?

The Wager:

A. If it turns out that we are truly doomed from what we have been/are doing
re: CO2 emissions, then the ultraenvironmentalists win the wager, and we all
die by default.

B. If it turns out that we are not doomed, that the whole situation was
overblown and used as a nice moneymaker and powergatherer by some, and that
the warming (if any in the long run) does not cause serious damage at all,
or worse, we end up in an ice age that might have been technologically
preventable, then those who were the most vocal and public sources of
restrictions on technological societies and industrialization must report
for termination within 1 year's time. This will in turn, help them win one
point: with less mouths to feed, we will have more to go around to those who
are left. Quite logical I think.

C. If it turns out that we are in big trouble, but stave it off by massive
cutbacks on XYZ, then we all win by default.

Am I really being serious? No. But it is telling that people who are so
certain, will not take up the wager. Then, by definition, they must not have
been completely certain.

2. CO2 is the big target at the moment. When we switch to hydrogen-fired
cars, how long do you bet it will take before there is a big "green" push to
limit H2O vapor emissions?

3. Horace mentioned Iran and possible nuclear war. As an American, I propose
that if Iran develops nuclear weapons, that we do not intervene, and that we
allow them to develop the warheads themselves, the delivery systems, and
ultimately to use them against whoever they wish. Then after someone gets a
second sunrise, we can safely say "Yes, it indeed appears that Iran had
Weapons of Mass Destruction." </Sarcasm>

pretty nice.

5. Why aren't the ultraenvironmentalists pushing for LENR/CANR like mad?

6. I do not trust "big oil", nor do I trust "big green". Both are liars, and
will do anything to get their respective ways. Mark my words, things are not
as they seem.

7. And no, before it is suggested, I am neither Republican, nor do I like
Bush. I am independant, vote for who I think is the least detrimental, and
hope for the day when we really do all live together in peace.

All the best,

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