The following commentary is not an attempt on my part to justify, or endorse Rossi's recent professional behavior.
While some might suggest we need to apologize to Mr. Krivit I feel no desire to endorse let alone enable investigative reporting tactics that repeatedly exploit phrases like "convicted fraudster" or "convicted white collar criminal" to characterize Rossi's prior business activities. Does Rossi's prior fraud charges prove his current business actions are just as bogus? Sure, it's tantalizing to assume that might be the case. I can see why one might think it is a correct assumption to draw. Unfortunately, doing so is nothing more than playing the game of guilt-by-association. The point being: What does playing the guilt-by-association game have to do with investigative reporting of the current evidence? It strikes me more as a tactic a prosecutor attorney would attempt to exploit to build a case of damning evidence, assuming the court doesn't bar him from doing so due to irrelevance to current circumstances. It's my understanding that Mr. Krivit wants to be perceived as an objective independent investigator/journalist. If that is the case, why does his investigative reporting on Rossi repeatedly include phrases like "convicted of fraud" and " convicted white-collar criminal " over and over, typically near the beginning of another damming Rossi article? Doing so, strikes me as more the actions that a prosecuting attorney would exploit to insinuate to the jury that the defendant on trial is guilty. But what do such insinuations have to do with judging the contents of the latest experimental evidence under fire between Rossi and I.H? It strikes me as something an investigative reporter might feel inclined to include if he lacked confidence in being able to stand alone in his ability to deconstruct the alleged veracity of Rossi's current experimental claims. For that suspicion alone, I feel no inclination to offer apologies. It makes me think Mr. Krivit may have chosen the wrong profession to excel at. I hope he eventually finds his true calling. Everyone deserves to embark on his true calling. God only knows it's taken me damned near a life-time to find a few special callings of my own to slave away at until I die. Regards, Steven Vincent Johnson