
Could you direct me to a site that contains the test data that you are 
referring to?  Also, I would like to find out exactly what equipment was used 
for the testing.  Are either of these items available to download at any 
location that you are aware of?

Also, How many hours long is the data set that you have seen?  Does it cover a 
day's worth of operation?  And, are you confident that it is representative of 
the remainder of the data?

I would appreciate any help that you may be able to supply while keeping your 




-----Original Message-----
From: Jed Rothwell <>
To: vortex-l <>
Sent: Tue, Jun 7, 2016 11:15 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The Rossi Saga Part 1

Peter Gluck <> wrote:

Dear Jed,

Excuse me for joining the discussion, however the choices are
simple something or nothing, excess heat or NOT excess heat- zero, nada, niente 
nihil etc.
In the moment you accept that it was a small excess heat you are accepting 
implicitly that by adequate means it can be increased.. no compromise here.

You misunderstand. I have been over this several times, but I will repeat what 
I said about this.

As I.H. said, Rossi uses "inoperable reactors, relying on flawed measurements, 
and using unsuitable measuring devices." His data and configuration notes bear 
this out. The test setup is a farce. Because the test is so poorly done and so 
crude, the margin of error is gigantic. I suppose the COP might be somewhere 
between 0.5 and 1.5 if you take the numbers at face value.

However, as a practical matter I am sure the COP is less than 1. That is the 
most plausible interpretation of the data. Just because the instruments are so 
bad they could indicate practically anything, that does not justify the 
assumption that they indicate an anomaly.

I am working with Rossi's own data. I.H. says they are confident there is no 
excess heat. I presume this is because they have additional data that they 
collected themselves. I have not seen this data, but I take their word for it 
there is no heat, and I am sure they have better proof than Rossi's own 
nonsensical numbers.

Anyone could set up instruments to measure the heat properly, with reasonable 
accuracy. I assume I.H. did this. Rossi fought to prevent them from doing it, 
but I suppose they finally were able to do it.

You could answer all questions about the calorimetry by visiting the pretend 
customer site next door, because that is where the fluid is cooled down. Rossi 
fought to prevent that, as well. Given that this pretend customer conducts no 
business, has no employees, pays no taxes and has never had any equipment 
inspected, my guess is that there nothing more in the customer site than a 
radiator and fan that removes ~15 kW of heat.

I cannot describe the details, but let me illustrate what I mean with an 
unrelated example. I have a blood pressure meter that had a weak battery. It 
registered something like 180 systolic over 60, then 210 over 140, then 90 over 
20. The latter would mean I am dead. Since I am alive, it was clear the 
instrument was malfunctioning. In Rossi's case, the malfunctions are even 
larger than this. The instruments were selected and then installed in ways that 
makes it impossible to get a meaningful answer. This is either extremely 
stupid, or deliberate fraud. Since Rossi does not seem stupid to me, I assume 
it is fraud.

- Jed

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