Is Particle Physics About to Crack?

This story appeared today on the Sci-Am blog.

. but it can be (should be) read in the context of two other recent stories
in particle physics, all from last week - and which are not mentioned. Those
other two are the "fifth force" and "particle-x" discoveries.  Those later
two stories both relate to a putative new particle with mass-energy around
17 MeV, which could be the same particle, whereas the LHC story is about a
massive particle of 750 GeV.

There is the off-chance that all of these stories could be involved in LENR,
especially the two which talk about a lower energy particle - but even the
last one is not ruled out, especially in regard to the Holmlid effect -
where the goal is to explain a very large (apparent) appearance of muons. 

Since a cluster of deuterons, the so-called UDD, which is irradiated by a
laser pulse in Holmlid's work can easily supply a 750 GeV burst, this large
amount of mass-energy cannot be ruled out, even in a small LENR experiment .
which could manifest itself as muons in the decay process! After all, it's
not really much in macro terms- the ten microjoule range, aka the proverbial

Together with the ludicrous Rossi Quark-x report, this convergence of the
highly improbable with the remotely possible has to crack you up, particle
fizzicyst or not. 

It actually makes me wonder if we are not seeing a crack in the Sim. :-)

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