I was once working with a technician who had hooked up an L-C circuit
(without a transformer) and saw AC voltage gain.  He was convinced that he
had an overunity invention.  The voltage gain was outside of his
expectation.  However, it was pointed out by someone with more experience
that the voltage gain was entirely anticipated and there was no power
gain.  Expectation all comes down to breadth of experience.  Magnetic
circuits will frequently fool our expectation.  In such cases, it is really
useful to simulate the system with a model that is entirely without unknown
physics and see how the model compares with observation.  If it predicts
the same phenomena, you can be pretty sure that the outcome was simply
outside your expectation.  SPICE is a wonderful first-principles tool for a
lot of this with wires and magnets.  But it takes experience with SPICE to
implement a proper model.  Fortunately, there are free SPICE simulators
with good user interfaces to make it easy.

On Sun, Jul 17, 2016 at 8:27 AM, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> As a general observation, it could be said that many alternative energy
> practitioners gravitate to LENR once they determine from thousands of null
> results that anomalous gain is unlikely with any configuration of magnets,
> magnetic gating, resonant circuits and so on. But the near misses, and
> the 2nd Law, have not stopped a few clever builders from trying to find
> the self-sustaining electrical circuit. No one has ever explained the
> apparent gain seen in the circuits of the late Arthur Manelas or Floyd
> Sweet.
> Here are some scope shots of interest from a recent alternative conference.
> *http://overunity.com/16724/graham-gundersons-energy-conference-presentation-most-impressive-and-mysterious/dlattach/attach/158787/image//*
> <http://overunity.com/16724/graham-gundersons-energy-conference-presentation-most-impressive-and-mysterious/dlattach/attach/158787/image//>
> Graham is a builder who is in a league by himself. As for a clue about
> what he could be doing - a regular poster on vortex over the years is Harvey
> Norris, yet few can follow his progress either. Electro-wizards live in
> different world where there is little common language with the rest of
> us, the uncharged resistors, so to speak. Try deciphering this bit of
> free flowing text, if you don’t believe me:
> *https://www.flickr.com/photos/harvich/14992141501/in/dateposted-public/*
> <https://www.flickr.com/photos/harvich/14992141501/in/dateposted-public/>
> Basically, the reason I am bringing-up a slight coincidence, aside from
> slow news day, is that Graham’s scope shots look a bit like the warped
> 3-phase of Harvey where phase angles are split and recombined. There has
> always been some level of mysticism associated with 3-phase, since it
> possess “directionality” on its own. Wiki has an entry for the “charge
> pump” which is of interest, since it is one of those high efficiency
> tricks, like leakage inductance in high reactance transformers, which on
> occasion have been reported to go slightly overunity (1.05)… even in
> Silicon Valley.
> You may remember the story of the overunity LED, but perhaps didn’t
> realize that part of the gain may come from the charge pump driver which
> can increase voltage with less than the expected hit to current. As for a
> breakthrough in circuits – such as true self-resonance, well… that feat
> could actually be possible, if not already achieved. However, the COP is
> low, barely over one, and the true energy source is not magic, but
> “ambient”… (which may be more than ambient heat)… yet, what many places
> need this summer is cheap AC (air conditioning, not alternating current)

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