Eric Walker <> wrote:

> If IH have knowingly entered a fake business card as an exhibit before a
> US federal court, and this is shown to be the case, it will be very bad
> news for them, and perhaps for Jones Day if they also knew.  It would be a
> horrible legal miscalculation, and nobody seeking to win a case with 300
> million dollars at stake would in their right mind contemplate it, let
> alone do it.

Exactly. Suppose Bass is a real person. J.M. can have him testify that will
prove I.H. is wrong. Or suppose I.H. made up the whole story. J.M. can
still easily win by bringing in the real person in charge of production and
other employees, and also by showing business records of invoices, taxes
paid, product shipments, and by having real customers testify that they
paid for the product. It is easy to prove you have an actual operating

- Jed

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