It could have been that the retraction of the J-M patent was a government (GB) 
action to make the technology dark--the same as happened in the US to submerge 
the CF technology.

A few well designed FOIA's may bring out the truth of the US actions back then. 
 Much of the information should be subject to declassification and release.  
Maybe the MFMP knows how to get such information--particularly from GB sources.

Bob  Cook

From: Jones Beene <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 8:48 PM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Johnson Matthey, Plc

One perplexing thing about this palladium alloy discussion over the years is 
that the answer could be hiding in plain sight.

Johnson-Matthey applied for a patent in England in 1989 within months of the 
SLC announcement -- but then withdrew the application without explanation a few 
years later. It probably contains all anyone needs to know, unless it was a 

Fortunately, the application is still available. Google seldom forgets.

From: Terry Blanton

>       Every decade or so, I ask if anyone knows the secret to the Johnson 
> Matthey metals used by F&P.

Looks like you are a bit ahead of schedule this time:

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