In reading the patent I wondered if the fast sintering processes are used in 
the Rossi Effect to heat the Ni nano lattice uniformly--e.g., the DC pulsing 
fast sintering process described in the Patent?  The process was such as to 
maintain the nano structure and the catalytic properties of the Ni.

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene <>
Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2016 6:54 AM
Subject: RE: [Vo]:A super nickel powder LENR catalyst.


You call this a Rossi secret? The inventor filed his initial disclosure 5 years 
before Rossi came on the scene, so it ostensibly cannot be called a "Rossi 
secret" unless SDC Materials is in fact the "customer" which Rossi does not 
want to be known. Is that what you are contending?

That would be unlikely given the numerous Press Releases from the company and 
their backers. They are not flying under the radar. This is a plasma spray 
process and there are dozens of similar ones listed as prior art, so it will be 
hard to enforce.

Notably the document speaks of cold fusion and palladium and palladium-silver 
as coatings to nanopowder, which may be the search criteria which brought the 
document up, but the listed metals for converting into nano are nickel iron and 
cobalt. Notably one of the company's consultants was indeed a Johnson-Matthey 

His name is not Bass :) but he could have been a big catch...

From: Axil Axil

Another Rossi secret revealed as follows:<>

Nano-skeletal catalyst US 9023754 B2<>...hw&bvm=bv.129759880,d.eWE


This super nano nickel powder is Rossi's powder as shown in the Lugano demo. It 
is about 100 times better than the Ni carbonyl powder that MFMP uses.

The specific surface area values using BET method show that the chemically 
processed Ni powders have a very high specific surface area (> 60 m2/g), which 
recommend them for electrical applications, especially for electrode 
applications. For Ni carbonyl powder the specific surface area was found 0.68 

The evaluation of the chemisorption characteristics by using hydrogen selective 
adsorption method shows that the modified Ni powder exhibits high power of 
hydrogen adsorption (600µgH2/g), which recommend them as catalysts in hydrogen 
addition reaction.


Patents - Google Books<>
A method of producing a catalyst material with nano-scale structure, the method 
comprising: introducing a starting powder into a nano-powder production 
reactor, the ...

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