Terry Blanton <hohlr...@gmail.com> wrote:

Every decade or so, I ask if anyone knows the secret to the Johnson Matthey
> metals used by F&P.  I am told that JM knows; but, won't tell. . . .

Here is what I wrote about that in February 2000:

The Type A palladium saga

February 7, 2000

For many years Martin Fleischman has been recommending a particular type of
palladium made by Johnson Matthey for cold fusion experiments. He has been
saying this to anyone who will listen, but very few people do. He handed
out several of these ideal cathodes to experienced researchers, and as far
as he knows in every case the samples produced excess heat. The material
was designated "Type A" palladium by Fleischmann and Pons. It was developed
decades ago for use in hydrogen diffusion tubes: filters that allow
hydrogen to pass while holding back other gasses. This alloy was designed
to have great structural integrity under high loading. It lasts for years,
withstanding cracking and deformation that would quickly destroy other
alloys and allow other gasses to seep through the filters. This robustness
happens to be the quality we need for cold fusion. The main reason cold
fusion is difficult to reproduce is because when bulk palladium loads with
deuterium, it cracks, bends, distorts and it will not load above a certain
level, usually ~60%, I think. Below 85 to 90% loading bulk palladium never
produces excess heat. A sample of palladium chosen at random from most
suppliers will *never* reach this level of loading. You could perform
thousands of tests for cold fusion with ordinary palladium, with perfect
confidence that you will never see measurable excess heat. That is
essentially what the NHE did: they performed the wrong experiment hundreds
of times in succession, using materials which everyone knows cannot work.
This is like trying to make a 27-story building out of doughnuts.

It seems likely to me that most of the reproducibility problems with bulk
palladium CF would have been solved years ago if people had only listened
to Martin Fleischman's advice. Alas, in my experience, people seldom listen
to advice or follow directions. Fleischman sometimes compounds the problem
by speaking in a cryptic, convoluted style and by using complex
mathematical equations that few other people can understand. He sometimes
takes a long time to respond to inquiries; he answered one of my questions
two years after I asked. However, in this case he has made himself quite
clear on many occasions. For example, he wrote:

. . . We note that whereas "blank experiments" are always entirely normal
(e.g. See Figs 1-5) it is frequently impossible to find any measurement
cycle for the Pd-D2O system which shows such normal behaviour. Of course,
in the absence of adequate "blank experiments" such abnormalities have been
attributed to malfunctions of the calorimetry, e.g. see (10). [Ikegami et
al.] However, the correct functioning of "blank experiments" shows that the
abnormalities must be due to fluctuating sources of excess enthalpy. The
statements made in this paragraph are naturally subject to the restriction
that a "satisfactory electrode material" be used i.e. a material
intrinsically capable of producing excess enthalpy generation and which
maintains its structural integrity throughout the experiment. Most of our
own investigations have been carried out with a material which we have
described as Johnson Matthey Material Type A. This material is prepared by
melting under a blanket gas of cracked ammonia (or else its synthetic
equivalent) the concentrations of five key classes of impurities being
controlled. Electrodes are then produced by a succession of steps of square
rolling, round rolling and, finally, drawing with appropriate annealing
steps in the production cycle. [M. Fleischmann, Proc. ICCF-7, p. 121]

 Fleischman recently gave the some additional information. The ammonia
atmosphere leaves hydrogen in the palladium which controls
recrystallization. Unfortunately, this material is very difficult to
acquire and there is practically none left in the world, because Johnson
Matthey stopped making it several years ago. Palladium for diffusion tubes
is now made using a different process in which the palladium is melted
under argon. Material made with the newer technique might also work
satisfactorily in cold fusion experiments, but Fleischman never had an
opportunity to test it so he does not know. There should be plenty of the
new material available, so perhaps someone should buy a sample and try it.
Johnson Matthey has offered to make more of the older style Type A for use
in cold fusion experiments. They will charge ~$20,000 per ingot, which is a
reasonable price. Fortunately, the precise methodology for making the older
material is well-documented and an expert who helped fabricate previous
batches has offered to supervise production. So, if anyone out there has
deep pockets and once a batch of the ideal material to perform bulk
palladium cold fusion experiments, we can arrange it. I do not know any
cold fusion research scientists or institutions who can afford $20,000
worth of material, but perhaps several people could get together and pool
their resources.

The above description of Type A is not comprehensive. We know little about
the material. We cannot begin to explain why it resists distortion and
allows high loading. The experts in Johnson Matthey probably know, but they
are not talking. When Ed Storms read this description, he immediately
thought of a number of important questions about fabrication techniques:
"What is the crucible made of in which it is melted? Pick-up of crucible
material can not be avoided.  How is oxygen removed?  Is calcium boride
used, which is the usual method?  What is the boron content?"
Unfortunately, such details are trade secrets which Johnson Matthey will
not reveal. Fleischman does not know the answers. Anyone who has a sample
can quickly find out what elements are present in the alloy, in what
proportions. But questions such as "How is the oxygen removed?" may not be
as easy to ascertain.  The trade secrets are not what is in the metal, but
how it got there and why it stays.

I asked Fleischman how confident he is that this material is effective, and
how much batch-to-batch variability he observed. He said that since 1980 he
has used samples from eight or nine batches. Only one batch failed to work,
and was returned for credit.

In general, any material from Johnson Matthey works better than palladium
from other sources. The most dramatic proof of this can be seen in M.
Miles, "Anomalous Effects in Deuterated Systems." See especially Table 10,
p. 42, summarizing the effectiveness of palladium from various different
sources. The success ratio with Johnson Matthey material was 17 out of 28
(17/28) compared to 2/5, 0/19, and 2/35 with other sources. Only the alloys
fabricated in-house by the NRL worked better, with a 7/8 success ratio.
Miles tested two samples of Type A palladium supplied to him by Fleischman
and Pons. Both produced excess heat at much higher power density than
samples from other suppliers (3 - 14 W/cm3 compared to 0.3 - 2.1 W/cm3).
Fleischman reported success with pure palladium, as well as silver and
cerium alloys. So did Miles, and he also had good results with boron
alloys. The NRL in Washington reported no heat with samples from the same
batches Miles tested, but their calorimeter was an order of magnitude less
sensitive than his (with 200 mW precision compared to 20 mW), so even if
their samples had produced the same level of heat Miles observed, they
could not have detected it.

In their Final Report, the NHE claimed that they used "the type of
palladium recommended by Fleischman and Pons" in a series of experiments in
the final stage of the project, after all else had failed. This is
incorrect. They did not have any of the Type A palladium. Perhaps they used
some other Johnson Matthey material instead. They have refused to reveal
the batch number or say when or where they acquired the material, but as
far as Fleischman knows, there was no Type A material available at that
time. When the NHE program began, Fleischman supplied them with three Type
A cathodes. Two of them produced excess heat, and one failed because of a
prosaic problem with the equipment. The NHE disagrees with Fleischman's
conclusion. Based on their nonstandard method of evaluating calorimetric
data, they say all three samples failed to produce heat. They refuse to
release detailed data which would allow others to analyze the results using
standard methods. Fleischman, McKubre and Miles have criticized their
methodology, in which a single calibration pulse made a few days after the
experiment begins, when low-level excess heat is probably already present.
(See the Fleischmann quote above, and M. Miles, "Report on Calorimetric
Studies at the NHE Laboratory in Sapporo, Japan.")

The question is: At this late date does anyone care about bulk palladium
electrochemical cold fusion? Does anyone still want to try it? Even with
the proper materials, this is still a very difficult experiment. Fleischman
and McKubre agree that if techniques can be used, they should be. McKubre
said, "the world is fascinated by electrochemistry, except electrochemists.
If they can find another way of doing the job they will always choose the
other way." Fleischman believes that the qualities of the palladium
material are not be as important with electrodiffusion, which pushes
deuterons through the bulk of material rather in through the surface.
"Solid-state works better than interface chemistry." (Other people may not
find the Italian electrodiffusion results as convincing as he does.)
McKubre has successfully replicated the Case experiments using gas loading
into commercial catalysts made of palladium on carbon. Researchers may feel
that this kind of technique is more promising than bulk palladium, and
there is no point to revisiting obsolete, 10-year-old experiments. We may
no longer need Type A palladium. We can hardly afford it, anyway.

I once asked Fleischman how he learned about Type A palladium. He said: "It
is very simple. When we began this work I went to Johnson Matthey, I told
them what I needed, and they recommended this material." As I said, he has
a baroque imagination and he often goes about doing things in indirect,
complex ways, but in this case he used the direct approach.

- Jed

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