
For more detail see as follows:


Nonperturbative coupling of light with condensed matter in an optical
cavity is expected to reveal a host of coherent many-body phenomena and
states [1–7]. In addition, strong coherent light-matter interaction in a
solid-state environment is of great interest to emerging quantum-based
technologies [8, 9]. However, creating a system that combines a long
electronic coherence time, a large dipole moment, and a high cavity quality
(Q) factor has been a challenging goal [10–13]. Here, we report collective
ultrastrong light-matter coupling in an ultrahigh-mobility two-dimensional
electron gas in a high-Q terahertz photonic-crystal cavity in a quantizing
magnetic field, demonstrating a cooperativity of ∼360. The splitting of
cyclotron resonance (CR) into the lower and upper polariton branches
exhibited a √ ne-dependence on the electron density (ne), a hallmark of
collective vacuum Rabi splitting. Furthermore, a small but definite blue
shift was observed for the polariton frequencies due to the normally
negligible A 2 term in the light-matter interaction Hamiltonian. Finally,
the high-Q cavity suppressed the superradiant decay of coherent CR, which
resulted in an unprecedentedly narrow intrinsic CR linewidth of 5.6 GHz at
2 K. These results open up a variety of new possibilities to combine the
traditional disciplines of many-body condensed matter physics and
cavity-based quantum optics.

The key to LENR is strong coupling between the hydrogen atom and light.
When the cavity that holds the hydrogen is the optimum size, vacuum energy
provides most of the energy to delocalized electrons from protons to form
metalized hydrogen. The optimum cavity size does the same job as extreme
pressure to form metalized hydrogen.

If hydrogen is packed into a Nano cavity of the ideal size a strong
coupling state might be achieved between the protons in the hydrogen and
the light. In this way a state of superconductive coherence of protons
might be formed: a proton condinsate.

This state of superconductivity has been detected by Holmlid and Miley in
iron oxide. The high temperature proton BEC might produce a super-dense
state of hydrogen as measured by Holmlid where the electrons and protons
are delocalized from each other, this state of charge delocalization has
been seen in water inclusions inside a crystal.
Water Molecule Spreads Out When Caged


What actually compresses the protons into a condinsate is vacuum energy
because the cavity squeezes the light/matter condensate greatly.

As described in the referenced article by looking for a hydrogen BEC in
cavities, a LENR researcher could find the ideal dimensions of the Nano
cavity that produces the condensed hydrogen and engineer a material that
produces this ultra-dense hydrogen crystal in abundance.

Currently in LENR reactors, pure chance produces metalized hydrogen in a
highly porous metal that feature a wide range of cavity sizes which include
the optimum cavity size that is made widely available by random chance.

What really compresses hydrogen to the LENR active ultra-dense metalized
state is not high pressure, but the ideal combination of cavity shape/size,
light frequency, EMF environment and vacuum energy.

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