An interesting read, but it only goes up to 2009 which is before the subject gets really interesting if you are interested in CF utility as I am. The English version is in too good English for it to be a translation! The mind set was that one had to look for neutrons in the early days rather than heat and nothing about Ni/H2 show how much Rossi brought to the party. The following extracts show the academic mind set about that at the time.

There  are  a  number  of  experiments  that  seem  to  show  that it  is
possible  to  have  excess  heat  production  in  a  different experimental
system: nickel and hydrogen rather than palladium and deuterium. In
this case the only reasonable explanation for nuclear fusion reactions
is  the  fusion  of  hydrogen  with  one  of  the  few  deuterons that  are
always present in hydrogen as impurities.
(page 36)

.We  are  still  far  from developing  applications.  Thus,  it was  to
  be  expected  that  enterprises  that were born with the aim of having a
 practical fall-out in short time had to give up.

On 8/29/2016 10:20 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
In Italian:

ENEA, /FUSIONE FREDDA Storia Della Ricerca in Italia/. 2009, Rome, Italy: ENEA. <>

In English:

ENEA, /COLD FUSION The History of Research in Italy./ 2009, Rome, Italy: ENEA. <>

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