You're right.
Picturing it more clearly now, The vectors do always
add up to equal the same as the pull at the center of
the small sphere.

So the g field is a constant inside a spherical hollow
in a sphere with constant density.

That being said, next time this comes up, you might
want to summarize a little bit differently, because
what threw me off was it appeared you were taking R1
and R2 to be constants, instead of taking the vector
sum to be constant.

--- "Stephen A. Lawrence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Merlyn wrote:
> > Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > The field at any point inside a uniform sphere of
> > density
> > rho is
> > 
> > F = -(4/3)*pi*G*rho*R
> > 
> > where "R" is the _radius vector_ from the center
> of
> > the
> > sphere to the point where we're finding the field.
> > 
> > For the big sphere, let the radius vector be R1. 
> For
> > the
> > small (cut-out) sphere let the radius vector be
> R2.
> > (Note that they point from different origins, but
> > that's
> > OK, all we care about are the direction and
> length.)
> > Then the net field anywhere inside the small
> (cut-out)
> > sphere will be
> > 
> > F(total) = -(4/3)*pi*G*rho*(R1 - R2)
> > 
> > But (R1 - R2) is a _constant_, and is just the
> vector
> > from the center of the big sphere to the center of
> the
> > small sphere.
> > 
> > So the force is also a constant, proportional to
> the
> > distance between the spheres' centers, pointing
> along
> > the
> > line which connects the small sphere's center to
> the
> > big
> > sphere's center.
> > -----------------------------------
> > 
> > Not so.
> > R1 and R2 are NOT the actual radii of the spheres,
> but
> > the radii to the point of measurement. 
> Exactly.  Outside the sphere, the field goes as
> 1/R^2.
> Inside the sphere it goes as R.
> On the surface of a uniform sphere of radius R the
> field strength is 
> (4/3)G*pi*rho*R.  Here's why:
> The mass is (4/3)*pi*rho*R^3   (just the volume
> times the density)
> The field behaves as though all the mass is
> concentrated at the center, 
> at on point, and the field strength goes as
>     G*M/R^2
> Plugging in the value for the mass, this is
>     (4/3)*G*pi*(R^3/R^2) = (4/3)*G*pi*R
> > This is
> > because any spherical shell of constant density
> has no
> > net gravitational effect on an object within it,
> Right, which is why the field strength at any point
> _inside_ a uniformly 
> dense sphere at a distance "Rc" from the center is
> the same as the field 
> strength on the surface of an equally dense sphere
> of radius "Rc".
> Or, in other words, _inside_ the sphere, the field
> goes as
>     (4/3)*G*pi*rho*R
> where R is the distance from the center of the
> sphere to the point where 
> we're measuring the field (_not_ the distance to the
> surface of the sphere).
> Since the field points directly toward the center of
> the sphere, if we 
> replace the distance to the center with the vector
> "[R]" which points 
> from the center to the point where we're measuring
> the field, then the 
> actual field at each point will be
>     -(4/3)*G*pi*rho*[R]
> and I seriously wish I had overbars to make this
> look more readable.
> > so
> > you only need the mass of the spherical volume
> with
> > radius equal to your distance from the center of
> mass.
> > Thus I can measure the gravitational field
> strength
> > along a constant radius from the center of the
> large
> > sphere (R1 constant) but at different locations
> within
> > the volume of the small sphere (R2 variable) and
> > achieve different results.
> It seems that way, doesn't it?  But keep in mind
> that R1 and R2 are 
> vectors, so neither one is constant in this case --
> R1 has constant 
> _magnitude_ but its direction is varying.
> You need to draw a fairly careful picture here to
> get an idea of what's 
> going on.
> Draw a circle around the big sphere's center, such
> that the circle 
> passes through the small sphere's center.
> At the center of the small sphere, the gravity is
> "normal" for the big 
> sphere -- the small sphere contributes nothing.
> As we move off along the circle, the small sphere
> starts to contribute 
> something.  But at the same time, the big sphere's
> _angle_ of pull 
> changes.  Initially, the contribution of the small
> sphere is (nearly) 
> perpendicular to the big sphere's pull, and it just
> cancels the angle 
> change in the big sphere's pull.
> As we get farther and farther from the little
> sphere's center, the small 
> sphere's "push" is no longer perpendicular to the
> big sphere's "pull". 
> It's actually contributing to the force along the
> line between their 
> centers, at the same time that it's cancelling the
> pull perpendicular to 
> that line.
> After thinking about it for a while I decided it at
> least _seemed_ 
> possible, and I stopped looking for a flaw in the
> math...  :-)
> > 
> > Merlyn
> > Magickal Engineer and Technical Metaphysicist

Magickal Engineer and Technical Metaphysicist

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