Here is the patent application – or one of them



A method to increase the efficiency of a solar cell comprises applying one of a 
transparent pyroelectric film and a plurality of films in a stack on a front 
surface of the solar cell and applying one of an opaque pyroelectric film and 
plurality of films in a stack on another surface of the solar cell. An 
electromotive force is generated to bias the solar cell such that an open 
circuit voltage is created.





They seem to contradict themselves: elsewhere they claim “the Efficoat 
technology” provides 15-20% improvement in power production from ordinary solar 
panels over the course of a typical day.” This would lead one to believe that 
the panels are coated.  


If the coating is not on the panels but contained in a remote box, then why not 
sell the box to Tesla and let the cars get 20% more out of the battery pack ? 
Who needs the solar panels? 


Hmmm … do we know that Tesla doesn’t do this already ?


From: Terry Blanton 

Is there a better description of their tech?  Say, a patent app?  'Cuz I don't 
get the impression that they do anything to the solar cell itself.  From the 

Is the Pyroelectric coating on the panel directly?

No, the Pyroelectric glass and coating reside inside the sealed Ultrasolar 
QuantunBoost™ device. There are no user serviceable parts in the device that 
need to be accessed by the user or field technician.

How does Pyroelectric help increase the power of a solar cell?

We create electric field from a coating of pyroelectric material on glass. The 
field is applied on the solar cell using the electrodes of the solar cell. The 
applied electric field removes electrons and holes from traps and accelerates 
them towards the electrodes. This increases the current resulting in increase 
of DC power from the panel.


So, er, has anyone tried substituting a battery for the solar cells?  After 
all, as Monty Python says, "Every electron is special."  So the origin should 
not matter.  (It was 'electron', right?)


Okay, I'll stop.  Bollocks!

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