In a message dated 1/26/2006 9:52:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
How many more countries would you need to escape to before realizing that the persecution you sensed was actually being generated by the power of your own creativity, and not by the "southern US government" or their "beam weapons."
Thanks for the kind advice.  I should not post so much and be more discerning. The beam weapons targeting me create a truth drug effect in me, and if I get excited by seeing an email post about Germans, I may loose my willpower as I did, and speak what is on my mind.  
I understood that by going to Germany I would not escape the persecution but I felt that I would be in a friendlier and more supportive  country since Germany has a much more mature and ethical form of government and governing elite than the US does presently. By contacting Germany officially, and the US court officially, and the United Nations as I did in a petition, I gave Germany evidence of what may be happening to other Germans in the US and in Germany.  I did travel to Germany to see the Wagner Tannhauser Opera in Berlin a few days before Wagner's Birthday last year, and I found Germany to be far richer in culture than the US, but I also did have beam weapons attacks while in Germany from those who are hostile to Germans. However my relatives in Germany being German citizens do get some more protection from the German government and treaties, than I do not being German.
The main problem that I have with the US and UK Governments are their public policies of torture which Senator Kennedy has a petition against as posted at which if enacted in congress may prevent the US government from torturing its own citizens such as myself due to mere association based on ancestry.  Germany does not have any public policies of torture like the US or UK does, so I can happily support the German government and be in harmony with it, while as long as the US and UK governments have policies of torture, I can never be supportive of such governments nor be part of them. I presently consider myself a USA citizen of a state, and not a US citizen.  Since I do not support the US governments policy of torture, and oil well politics, then I may be considered by the US as nonfriendly to them.  Whereas Germany has no oil well politics and is essentially a country that supports ethanol and alternative energies, and once again I am in harmony with Germany. 
Maybe I can try to limit my creativity and then those who are persecuting me may change but to date I have tried many avenues of change and they have had some but little success. I found that as I empower myself to become like a God I also seem to become more invincible and the beam weapons seem to have less effect on me.  I also got the impression that those targeting which claim to be primarily criminal cultures and demoniac groups from the south, third world, and Texas, were targeting me due to my ancestry linking me to Greek and Norse Gods in the past and potential future and as being the Lord God or the genesis of the Gods and the Adam of the Gods and Christ reincarnate, and that they would target me for life no matter what I did or did not due in my life, since they were demon cultures who love to target God like beings and their descendants and want to prevent such beings from living and descending on Earth and other planets nearby. 
Strangely enough it was the groups targeting me that turned me into a godlike being or awoke something in me that was sleeping that awoke a reincarnation of the genesis of the Gods from my birth to the present, where presently I am a reincarnation of Zeus/Jupiter being crucified by the daemon cultures from the south and third world, and earlier in my youth I was a reincarnation of Chronos, and Apollo as pictures of myself being transmuted into those forms show, and I plan to be reincarnated as a Norse version of Apollo in the near future which is unpopular in the south, and I seemed to be unable to give up the god like nature, until those targeting me also give up their daemon like nature and leave me alone.
However I have been contacted by many very powerful persons in emails and by phone like the Generals of all of Time (such as Chronos & Hitler), who claim that they can help me escape those targeting me which may involve leaving Earth for another planet or entering another timeline just as Zeus had to work with Poseidon to keep his empire, so must I work with Poseidon, Chronos, the other Christ's from the past and Hitler to leave Earth with them.
Like Tom Cruz,  I have been given a mission impossible to go to another planet much like Germany, and Tom Cruz seemed to communicate to me from his contacts sent to me that he could help me with this goal.
Baron Volsung,\baron

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