John Coviello wrote:

H.V: Do buildings that suffer structural failure collapse so quickly and cleanly? If not, then the events of 9/11 require alternative explanations..

Yes...if the buildings had been designed to be demolished.

Yes, but of course it does not *have to be* part of the design, necessarily, but it would be interesting to hear if it was indeed part of it. That may end up being a red herring - and there are too many of those floating around - such that it becomes a big distraction away from the ONE salient fact mentioned by Harry and many others. Steve Jones, a t least in this endeavor, is a giant leap more diligent (and brave) then people are giving him credit for.

In the end this was almost a "free fall" - such as happens in controlled demolition and that cannot be presumed to be the result of pure coincidence, since no other building of this type has EVER gone down from fire, or in a similar fashion. But two other points - one scientific validate that suspicion.

One key question is had an actual "demolition permit" "from the City of New York already been granted a few years earlier (to the previous owner). That's one of many claims on the 'conspiracy sites' which need to be looked into. I have even seen it on one of the sites, but it did not look official. It might indicate that someone had legitimately actually proceed to rig it earlier, and then a new owner came along who just would not remove that prior work.

In which case that new owner should be pushed off the tallest remaining WTC building by the relatives of the deceased.

PLUS take a stop watch and run back one of the numerous videos of the collapse at normal speed. This is very enlightening.

There is no bending or buckling - as should happen when steel softens - plus get out your stop watch.

According to the normal computation of gravity free-fall, the time it takes for any object (such as the top floor of WTC) to fall a given distance is given by the Kinematic Equations and Free Fall... available from such sites as:

Such an object will experience a downward acceleration of 9.8 m/s/s (which is often approximated to 10 m/s/s). Like any moving object, the motion of an object in free fall can be described by these equations. The height of WTC building was 420 meters, and plugging this all in and we get ~9 seconds.

The News reports are in agreement with what you can time yourself - that once the collapse started, it went down in 10 seconds flat !! IOW this is ALMOST unimpeded free fall !

Think about that for a minute. This top floors of the structure went down almost as fast as if there was nothing underneath - because in effect - there was nothing.

It is as if the top floor fell straight down through thin air with only minor impediment, which arguably just could not happen in that short time frame without something else going-on. In the case of WTC 7 the time is almost identical to free fall - as if the solid structure below which had not been harmed in any significant way (like a jet crash) except for fire of a temperature which all agree will not only soften steel after many hours - the fire was just not that hot.

Almost every demolition expert not on government payroll says that what we would expect - timewise - and the neatness of the end product debris - is identical to there being a controlled demolition - perhaps a 10% longer time span than free fall - and straight down with no leaning. You will have unavoidable lateral movement unless you keep it to free fall range. This is what controlled demolition is designed to prevent - lateral movement.

All anyone is saying is bring in the independent prosecutor and let him have at it. If Monica is worth the distration of one - aren't the families of 3000 deceased, entitled to the same consideration?


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