Higgins is correct IMHO.  The heart battery charger should utilize existing  or 
slightly modified NMR machines to focus an oscillating magnetic field on an 
internal permanent magnet oscillator which can move within a conductor and 
create an internal source of current.  Forget about using RF penetrating EM 

Regarding Robin’s observation, cardiologists may not like such a long life 
device since it would reduce the market supply of people needing periodic 
operations.  Opposing this rationale I have heard the idea that getting inside 
the chest and checking the equipment out results in more reliable performance.

The same argument (get inside to check things out ½ way through reactor life)  
was used for naval nuclear reactors early on.  I just read recently that the 
Navy brass is changing that design philosophy to produce reactors that will go 
the life of a ship—40-50 years—after nearly 65 years of reactor design and 
operating experience.   I doubt that the rest of the ship will last that long 
without overhaul or al least major changes in weapons.  
I think that the old design advice, “if the wheel works don’t fix it,” is 
probably ok for naval reactor design.

As to David’s comments about nuclear waste, I agree that the expense is high 
and the safety of storage is high and the safety is unconsciously poor in many 
cases.  The best solution IMHO is storage in Yucca Mountain in self-shielded 
ductile iron casks of about 100 tons that will fit on special rail cars for 
transport to Yucca Mt.  

As LENR gets a foot hold in the world’s energy production, those old die-hards, 
who want the eventual use of Pu-239 and other hard to handle isotopes, will be 
gone.   Yucca Mountain can be closed up along with the other nuclear test holes 
and mountain test sites nearby.  The one problem with this solution is that 
intrusion by future non-technical people would be easy, if institutional 
government controls fail in the future.  However,  this issue is no different 
than the same institutional control problem associated with hazardous waste 
disposal sites containing heavy metals and organic waste, both a major concern 
to health and safety of future, non-technical generations and the environment.

Bob Cook

From: Bob Higgins
Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2016 6:40 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Article: Diamonds turn nuclear waste into nuclear batteries

This is possible, but it would require a close coupling via low frequency 
magnetic fields.  Think of it as a hockey puck placed over the pacemaker 
implant area for a period of hours.  The human body is well modeled as a 
container of salt water.  In fact, when we were creating RF models of the human 
body, the dummy was nicknamed, "Salty".  The water is a highly ionic, highly 
conductive, high dielectric (Er~80) fluid.  This causes a skin impedance that 
is highly reflective of RF - most of the EM fields are substantially reflected. 
 Magnetic fields will penetrate, but propagating EM fields have a fixed ratio 
of electric/magnetic field intensity given by the free space impedance of 277 
ohms.  Near field evanescent fields close to the source may have a different 
ratio, allowing the magnetic field intensity to be higher which will penetrate 
into the body (the hockey puck radiator).
Most of the local AC fields are E-fields and these are highly reflected by the 
body's conductive nature and do not penetrate.

On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 7:11 PM, <mix...@bigpond.com> wrote:
In reply to  Bob Higgins's message of Tue, 29 Nov 2016 10:41:32 -0700:
I have often wondered why pacemakers can't have a built in transformer secondary
and rectifier so that all one has to do a be adjacent to the primary for a while
in order to recharge the internal battery ("air" core transformer). Perhaps they
could even be powered by the stray AC fields in your average dwelling?

Robin van Spaandonk


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