
Why do I have to keep reminding you that in the USA, truth is a defense to libel?

Do you simply not understand this, or do you not want to understand it because you adore Rossi to such a strange and unhealthy degree?

As for "defamation of character" - Rossi has no favorable reputation to defend, given his past scams, failures, crimes and repeated dishonesty - even stooping so low as to compose adulating mail to himself - with fake sender names so he can gloat in fake support. He needs clinical help.

Plus, defamation requires proof of malice, and I have no malice whatsoever against Rossi. In fact at one time, both Rothwell and myself thought he could be a great and misunderstood inventor. We called AR "the most interesting man in the world" until the level of dishonesty became overwhelming. Apologies to Dos Equis for sliming their guy in the process :-)

I would love to see megawatt overunity proved by Rossi or anyone else and I hope he can show something of value when this litigation is over. Problem is - Rossi has not been been capable of proving any claim scientifically. Even so, I am willing to believe that he has discovered an anomalous effect of Ni-H because so many others in the field have done so before him at lower levels. But he is not content to show what others have shown and wants to be seen as special. Sadly, he is not special and no longer qualifies as interesting.

And please stuff the libel crap back where it came from... it derives from the naive and unhealthy adulation of a con artist.

On 2/3/2017 11:37 AM, a.ashfield wrote:
Probably. Probably this and probably that. Never give any proof, just libelous speculation


On 2/3/2017 12:31 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

I would add this to what Giovanni has observed.

Rossi probably sued first because not only was his failure to perform obvious to all insiders at IH, but moreover - he considered Industrial Heat to be his actual partner in an ongoing scam which "could have" dragged on for far longer (had they been dishonest).

The problem was - Rossi could see that IH/Cherokee etc. were raking in lots of cash from investors - far more of the loot than Rossi was getting, so he sued to get a bigger share -- hoping they would settle, rather than expose what he thought was a joint windfall, in which he was not getting his fair cut.

He possibly believed that IH had valuable deep pocket investors in other projects of dubious merit, and did not want to risk loosing them when the money seemed to be flowing in strongly from Europe and China. The "brownfield" businesses of IH and Cherokee etc had itself been claimed by some to be ripe territory for scam artists, and Rossi was fully familiar with that niche in Italy due to his prior scam in brownfields: the Petroldragon affair.

When viewed from the perspective and history of Petroldragon, Leonardo, brownfields and Rossi's past contacts (at high level in our DoE - the other Leonardo) which were involved with his TEG scam, then a "silent partner in crime" scenario makes sense ... especially to a delusional inventor like Rossi.

Giovanni Santostasi wrote:
The courts are full of frivolous lawsuits and crazy claims of all types. People spin the truth or straight lie all the time in court proceedings from divorce to business cases. And it is well known that filing first gives you a psychological advantage. So Rossi could have simply anticipated he would be sued so he sued first.
The fact he filed first is not the proof of anything.

On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 11:11 AM, a.ashfield < <>> wrote:

    It is you who is missing my point.  Show me one case where the
    fraudster took his victim to court.
    That is the last thing a fraudster would want to do, to have all
    the facts come out IN COURT.

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