Here is the bottom-line fact that should scare everyone, even those fearless fission advocates who can accept an occasional Chernobyl and TMI is the regrettable part of the package-deal for cheap power.

The Fukushima nuclear plant is missing 600 tons of highly radioactive, melted uranium. That is no exaggeration. Google it.

Yup, way over a million pounds. A small warhead requires around 50 pounds. For instance, the W54 warhead weighed 50 pounds and was deployed until 1975 by the US. Thus there is the equivalent of 20,000+ warheads - depending on how much fertile U is converted to fissile Plutonium... and this ad hoc arsenal is an unknown distance under the site ... melting its way down relentlessly Many things could happen.

The full China Syndrome breach never happened at Chernobyl. Nor did radioactivity ever increase drastically over time. Even if the total damage in Ukraine was overestimated and constituted "fear-mongering" by the tree-huggers, the same does not apply to Fukushima which could be much worse. There could be a natural mechanism in place which is converting fertile to fissile. Perhaps the site was located over a good neutron moderator - such as hydrated shale or coal and that is where the three cores are now festering. If the shale deposit is cup shaped, the three cores could merge. Yikes.

Terry Blanton wrote:
Another one bites the dust

    It’s now at least the seventh robot to have broken down while
    investigating Fukushima’s nuclear reactors, which remain highly
    radioactive. //

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