The discussion of electron flywheels (UMES) has
brought to mind a concept I had for an electron

(warning! ASCII art follows)

A series of saw-toothed rings with a collection
surface on one side, set to rotate in opposing

          --          Negative Terminal
///////////////////// Stationary Sawtooth

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ CW Ring

///////////////////// CCW Ring

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ CW Ring

--------------------- Stationary Collector Plate
          ++          Positive Terminal

A charge imbalance existing between the input and
output sides (negative and positive terminals resp.)
would cause a flow of electrons through the turbine.

An electron has a mass of 9.1095 x 10^-31 kg
1 Amp = 6.2415 x 10^18 electrons/sec.
1 Amp = 5.685 x 10^-12 kg/sec

Electron velocity in a vacuum is governed by voltage
AFAIK, and is approx. 6000 km/sec at 100 V.

If the electrons travel at 45 degrees to the axis,
reversing their direction should impart 5.296 x 10^-23
kg.m/sec momentum per electron, or 4.824 x 10^-4
kg.m/sec momentum per amp.
So force exerted on the armature by 1A @ 100V should
be 4.824 x 10^-4 N

Unless I've misplaced some factors this looks
completely impractical now that I've done the
calculations. <shrug> Ce La Vie

Magickal Engineer and Technical Metaphysicist

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