
*Study offers new theoretical approach to describing non-equilibrium phase
transitions breaking*

 A new and elegant take on Quantum Mechanics has arrived on the scene just
in time to help explain how LENR works. With this new tool, dynamic systems
are understood to include phase transitions at the extreme limits of their
solution sets.

 Dynamic operators that have been only discovered a few years ago are now
widely used in quantum optics which is at the heart of the LENR reaction.

 Phase transitions are hot in physics now central to the understanding of
the Higgs field, optics with changing indices of refraction, and
superconductivity all demonstrate phase transitions and the famous Mexican
hat upside down potential that only using the complex number set can
properly explain.

In this figure, think of the blue optical resonators as the Surface Plasmon
Polariton (SPP) with a whispering gallery wave structure. The red toroids
are the protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

In this experimental setup explained by the figure, coupled optical
resonators (paired red and blue toroids on little pedestals) are PT
symmetry systems. When they are tuned through a “phase transition” light,
instead of moving through them in both directions, can only travel one way.

In LENR terms when a phase transition occurs is the SPP optical resonators,
and when a proton decays, the energy of that decay in the form of a Gamma
ray can only be absorbed by the SPP. Light energy cannot move from the SPP
into the proton.

We learn from this model that quantum theories need not obey the
conventional mathematical condition of Hermiticity so long as they obey the
physical geometric condition of space-time-reflection symmetry (PT

PT symmetry challenges a standard convention in physics—the widely held
belief that a quantum Hamiltonian must be Hermitian. And, because PT
symmetry is a weaker condition than Hermiticity, there are infinitely many
Hamiltonians that are PT symmetric but non-Hermitian; we can now study new
kinds of quantum theories that would have been rejected in the past as
being unphysical. Moreover, PT-symmetric systems exhibit a feature that
Hermitian systems cannot; as indicated in the energy levels become complex
when energy from outside the system changes in the system.

The transition from real to complex energies is a key feature of
PT-symmetric systems and it is called the PT phase transition. At this
transition the system goes from a state of physical equilibrium (called a
state of unbroken PT symmetry) to nonequilibrium (broken PT symmetry).

LENR occurs when PT symmetry is broken in an optical micro cavity.

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