In my earlier Imeant to Spell the former DOE Secretary’s name correctly—Moniz, 
vice Mortiz.

Bob Cook

From: Jones Beene<>
Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2017 7:46 AM
To: Vortex List<>
Subject: [Vo]:AAA Fission/Fusion

There are jokes that never cease about hot fusion being only 20 years away... 
not worth repeating except to say, sooner or later there could be no joke left 
if we simply rename the process ... and we may have passed a 20 year marker 
anyway.  Let's relabel it as neutron-free-fission to distance it from the 
boondoggles of fusion.

Did you know that former U.S. Energy Secretary and Physicist, Dr Ernest Moniz 
joined the Board of Directors of Privately funded Tri Alpha Energy recently? 
Few outside of California took notice... unless they have google alerts.

This could be a big deal, but not LENR. Even without neutrons, the technology 
is as far from LENR as from a Tokamak. But Moniz brings instant credibility, 
not that they needed it. The company is somewhat secretive, even with a web 
site, yet the few visitors allowed are genuinely impressed, and the company has 
raised a ton of money. Recent reports (off-the-record of course) of the final 
breakthrough leading to a commercial order in fewer than 20 years are ... shall 
we say... a bit glowing.<>

As any reader of vortex would know - the history of the tri-alpha boron 
reaction: 11B(p,α)αα which is essentially boron fission instead of fusion... is 
almost as old as nuclear physics itself. The reaction was studied by Lord 
Rutherford 75 years ago. Then he used proton energies of 200 keV, and a crude 
accelerator -- whereas resonance is much higher 675 keV.

So close but so far away.

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