Jones Beene <> wrote:

> Any calorimeter that can measure a positive exothermic reaction of X watts
> can measure an endothermic reaction of -X watts equally well.
> Energy storage is ruled out.
> Not really ruled out. Let's be exact: energy storage by the conventional
> chemical redox reaction is and always has been ruled out - OK - we can go
> that far.

You are missing the point. Energy storage is ruled out because *the data
shows that no energy was stored*. The balance was zero. There was no
endothermic phase. There would have to be such a phase if energy was
stored. It would have to show up in the calorimeter data. The negative
signal would be stronger than the positive signal that followed during the
exothermic phase, because the endothermic phase would be shorter.

- Jed

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