I like where this is headed, especially when looking at it in a 1
dimensional viewpoint.
The bosenova 'explosion' has been witnessed but no one really knows what
caused it nor where the energy came from to drive all that matter away.
Seems like 1 or 2 fusion events might be enough energy to do it.

Atoms don't dance the 'Bose Nova'September 3, 2009
[image: Atoms don't dance the 'Bose Nova']
With two laser beams the researchers generate an optical lattice, where the
atoms are confined to vertical one-dimensional structures (red) with up to
15 atoms aligned in each tube.

(PhysOrg.com) -- Hanns-Christoph Naegerl's research group at the Institute
for Experimental Physics, Austria, has investigated how ultracold quantum
gases behave in lower spatial dimensions. They successfully realized an
exotic state, where, due to the laws of quantum mechanics, atoms align
along a one-dimensional structure. A stable many-body phase with new
quantum mechanical states is thereby produced even though the atoms are
usually strongly attracted which would cause the system to collapse. The
scientists report on their findings in the leading scientific journal

Interactions are considerably more drastic in low-dimensional systems than
in three-dimensional ones. Thus, physicists take a special interest in
these systems. In physics zero-dimensional quantum dots
<https://phys.org/tags/quantum+dots/>, two-dimensional quantum wells and
also one-dimensional quantum wires are known. The latter are spatial
potential structures, where carriers can move only one-dimensionally.

Whereas quantum dots and wells can be realized and analyzed relatively
easily, it is much harder to investigate quantum wires in solid-state
bodies. Hanns-Christoph Naegerl’s research group of the Institute for
Experimental Physics of the University of Innsbruck has now tried something
totally different: In a cloud of ultracold atoms they realized
one-dimensional structures and thoroughly analyzed their properties.

*Surprising observation*

In a vacuum chamber <https://phys.org/tags/vacuum+chamber/> the physicists
produced a Bose-Einstein condensate
<https://phys.org/tags/bose+einstein+condensate/> with approx. 40,000
ultracold cesium atoms. With two laser beams they generated an optical
lattice, where the atoms were confined to vertical one-dimensional
structures with up to 15 atoms aligned in each tube. The laser beams
prevent the atoms from breaking ranks or changing place with each other.
[image: Atoms don't dance the 'Bose Nova']
A stable many-body phase with new quantum mechanical states is produced
(front) even though the atoms are usually strongly attracted which would
cause the system to collapse (back).

Using a magnetic field, the scientists could tune the interaction between
the atoms: “By increasing the interaction energy between the atoms
(attraction interaction), the atoms start coming together and the structure
quickly decays,“ Naegerl explains what is called among experts the
"Bosenova" effect.

"By minimizing the interaction energy, the atoms repel each other
(repulsive interaction), align vertically and regularly along a
one-dimensional structure and the system is stable." If the interactions
are switched from strongly repulsive to strongly attractive, a surprising
effect can be observed. "We thereby achieve an exotic, gas-like phase,
where the atoms are excited and correlated but do not come together and a
'Bosenova' effect is absent," Naegerl says. The phase was diagnosed by
compressing the quantum gas and measuring its stiffness. "However, this
excited many-body phase can only be realized by a detour via repulsive
interaction. This phase was predicted four years ago and we have now been
able to realize it experimentally for the first time," Elmar Haller says.
He is first author of the research paper, which is now published in the
renowned scientific journal *Science*. Currently, research on
low-dimensional structures receives a lot of attention internationally and
it may help to better understand the functioning of high-temperature

*Cold atoms as an ideal field of experimentation*

"Ultracold quantum gases offer a big advantage: They can be isolated
against the environment quite well," Naegerl explains. "Moreover, in our
experiment we can practically rule out defects we often find in solid-state
bodies." With this successful experiment the Innsbruck quantum physicists
found an ideal experimental setup to further study the properties of
quantum wires. Naegerl’s team of scientists clearly benefits from the long
standing and successful research on ultracold atoms and molecules by
another Innsbruck group of physicists: the research group led by
Wittgenstein laureate Prof. Rudolf Grimm, which has already assumed a
leading role internationally.

In addition to producing the first Bose-Einstein condensates using cesium
atoms and molecules, the scientists also observed exotic states such as the
Efimov-state and repulsive quantum pairs experimentally for the first time
worldwide. "The research work of Hanns-Christoph Naegerl and his team once
more underlines the international significance of our research projects,"
Rudolf Grimm says.

The experimental physicists of the research project on quantum wires also
benefited from a very close cooperation with the theoretical physicists of
the quantum physics stronghold in Innsbruck. The project of START-awardee
Hanns-Christoph Naegerl is funded by the Austrian Science Funds and the
European Union.

*More information:* Realization of an Excited, Strongly-Correlated Quantum
Gas Phase. Haller E, Gustavsson M, Mark MJ, Danzl JG, Hart R, Pupillo G,
Nägerl HC. *Science *4. September 2009 (DOI:10.1126/science.1175850

Provided by University of Innsbruck

On Tue, Jun 13, 2017 at 11:22 AM, bobcook39...@hotmail.com <
bobcook39...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Kevin—
> Thanks for that instructive review.
> It seems that Storms was worried about a fast reaction of the BEC’s.
> Ball lightening or Bosenovas may in fact be a reaction close to what
> Storms was worried about in the thread of 2013 you have found.  The
> following link addresses the possibility of bosenovas.
> https://www.nist.gov/news-events/news/2001/03/implosion-
> and-explosion-bose-einstein-condensate-bosenova
> Various LENR researchers have witnessed what they report as bosenovas.
> Bob Cook

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