
IMHO your comments regarding a grand unified theory is right on.  The energy 
maintained by a coherent system can be divided into potential  energy and 
kinetic energy.

The potential energy is associated with electric and magnetic fields  and 
kinetic energy associated with motion of   massive particles within the 
confines of a coherent system.   The coherent system can be described by a 
single wave function.  Gravitational fields also must be considered as 
providing potential energy of the coherent system.

The EMG force is what begs a good quantitative physical model.  A.C.  Jessup 
proposed such a model in the late 1950.l

Angular  momentum is associated with the kinetic energy of the system  and is 
limited to
discrete quanta of angular momentum equal to  whole number multiples of Planks 

Coherent systems become more stable when potential energy is reduced and 
kinetic energy is increased and momentum conversation maintained  in the 
changed system or systems.  Free photons that manage to escape the coherent 
system constitute a new coherent system that shares in the 
distribution/conservation of energy and momentum.

From: Axil Axil<>
Sent: Wednesday, August 2, 2017 12:41 PM
To: vortex-l<>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPP

Grand unification of the forces of nature is an important concept in LENR 
because it can explain why the weak force seems to be strengthened in LENR 
where LENR ash comes out of LENR reactions stabilized as if the weak force has 
acted instantaneously to stabilize the products of nuclear activity.

The concept that grand unification of the forces of nature might also 
correspond to the establishment of a bose condinsate to expose the folded 
dimensions of strings to a quantum like energy filling process to activate a 
strengthened weak force inside the influence of that bose condinsate.

The energy of grand unification is not associated with a single particle but is 
marshaled as a shared resource of an aggregation of coherent identical 

When a nuclear event occurs within the province of the bose condinsate... a 
condinsate that has accumulated the required combined excitation energy shared 
among the members of its aggregate members, the weak force no longer functions 
as a separate force. In this condition, the excitation produced by the nuclear 
reaction is instantaneously relaxed into a stable configuration.

This concept explains why gamma radiation is sometimes seen in a very weak LENR 
system where energy pumping is not sufficient to power the development of a 
bose condinsate. But when the LENR system is robustly pumped with sufficient 
energy to keep the bose condinsate in place, no gamma radiation is detected.

On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 12:42 PM, Axil Axil 
<<>> wrote:

The paper referenced in this article could be drawing another duel between 
string theory and condensed matter physics.

String theory phenomenology and quantum many–body systems

Sergio Gutiérrez, Abel Camacho, Héctor Hernández

arXiv:1707.07757 [gr-qc]<>

In the paper, the authors calculate how additional space-like dimensions affect 
a condensate of ultracold atoms, known as Bose-Einstein-Condensate. At such low 
temperatures, the atoms transition to a state where their quantum wave-function 
acts as one and the system begins to display quantum effects, such as 
interference, throughout.

In the presence of extra-dimensions, every particle’s wave-function has higher 
harmonics because the extra-dimensions have to close up, in the simplest case 
like circles. The particle’s wave-functions have to fit into the extra 
dimensions, meaning their wave-length must be an integer fraction of the radius.

It seems to me that all the conditions required to show the hidden dimensions 
expected by string theory are meet in condensed matter physics using the 
bosonic quasiparticle called the Surface Plasmon Polariton (SPP). This boson 
can form non-equilibrium Bose-Einstein condensates at room temperature and 

In “Oscillatory behavior of the specific heat at low temperature in 
quasiperiodic structures” E.L. Albuquerquea;∗, C.G. Bezerraa, P.W. Maurizb, 
M.S. Vasconcelos, a structure featuring 11 level discontinuity in specific heat 
as predicted by the Mexican paper is shown to exist.

The behavior of a variety of particles or quasi-particles (electrons, phonons, 
photons, polaritons, magnons, etc.) has been and is currently being studied in 
quasi-periodic systems. A fascinating feature of these quasi-periodic 
structures is that they exhibit collective properties not shared by their 
constituent parts.

Furthermore, the long-range correlations induced by the construction of these 
systems are expected to be reflected to some degree in their various spectra, 
designing a novel description of disorder. A common factor shared by all these 
excitations is a complex fractal energy spectrum.

Could this discontinuous fractal based specific heat spectrum of SPPs be 
exposing the higher dimensions of reality as predicted by the Mexicans?

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