Those statement by the head of Exxon are a complete joke. Brazil has already proven that a large country can operate without foreign oil and other countries will soon follow such as Sweden and Iceland. The only thing stopping us from kicking our foreign oil habit is a lack of proper will and necessity. We have more than enough tools to dramtically reduce our oil consumption, if implemented sensibly.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jed Rothwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 4:43 PM
Subject: Re: Your Surrender has Been Ordered

People unfamiliar with plug-in hybrid technology may not realize the full impact of the program I described. See:

To make a long story short, after 20 years of development, these cars would probably get on the order of 200 to 1000 mpg. That is to say, miles per gallon of gasoline, plus a great deal of electricity, of course. Fortunately, in the US electricity is not generated with oil. During the 20-year span of this project we could build enough new, non-polluting electric power generation capacity to meet the needs of these cars.

Today's automobiles get ~20 mpg. So if nearly every automobile and long-haul truck was a plug in hybrid, we would consume somewhere between 2% to 10% of what we consume today. U.S. production of oil is falling rapidly and irrevocably because we passed the height of Hubbard's curve in 1975, but even with this decrease we could easily meet the demand for 10% of today's consumption.

Bear in mind also that if we began this project, the US would not be the only country rapidly converting to plug-in hybrids. Japan Europe and China would follow suit, because if they did not, GM and Ford would soon put their automobile manufacturers out of business. So after 20 years not only would US consumption fall by a factor of 10 or more, so would consumption nearly everywhere else in the world. This would bankrupt OPEC and Al Qaeda.

Needless to say, plug-in hybrids are not the only way we could save oil and other sources of energy. There are many other technologies waiting in the wings. The cost, as I said, would be negative. As one expert put it, when describing the benefits of compact fluorescent lights, "this is not a free lunch: it is a lunch you are paid to eat." Not only does the improved hardware save energy, the hardware itself costs less over the lifetime of the product. This is usually the case with well-engineered, advanced technology.

Any U.S. president or automobile CEO could have begun this project any time in the last 100 years, as I said. Certainly anytime since 1970. There is simply no excuse for continued energy shortages, high prices, pollution, wars for oil, and the "Marshall Plan for for terrorists and dictators." These things are caused by stupidity, greed, bad management and -- in the face of terrorism -- energy policy that is tantamount to treason. (These policies have been endorsed by both parties and the last six presidents, but I still think they are close to treason.) Myriad technical solutions to these problems have been available all along, in plain sight. These solutions are nowhere near as good as cold fusion, and they are at least a thousand times more expensive than cold fusion, but they could easily have ameliorated the problems.

- Jed

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