Thank you for trying to bring the thread back on topic.  I had not heard of the 
pistol shrimp until I watched the video
JonesBeene wrote:
Not sure if the video was mentioned earlier

The pistol shrimp are popular in Florida and Texas 😊 

Having talked to another visitor to the facility, it would seem that the main 
problem with the technology using pure water is in measurement- and curiously 
it is almost the same as Rossi’s early errors -wet steam. They definitely can 
produce lots of wet steam and generally they have assumed that all of the water 
going through the injector is being converted into dry steam - when in fact 
only a fraction is dry steam and the rest is hot water vapor. This could be why 
you see no independent testing. 

The salt water system is more impressive but again, no good data. The 
salt-water gain seems impressive visually. I believe it is a true energy 
anomaly, but getting rid of the salt after the reaction is over- probably means 
that the system cannot be used in a piston engine (using salt water as a fuel). 
This is due to corrosion and accumulation on piston rings -- but there could be 
a solution. Same problem with the injectors – a month of slat water and what do 
you have?

Thus, their emphasis on desalinization. Of all the uses, this could be the best.

Yet they have been talking about desal for years but do not present reliable 
data on the energy balance. This makes one suspicious that the system is not 
yet competitive with other methods due to electrical use. Nevertheless, desal 
could be the future if combined with energy extraction.

In short, this is most interesting due to cavitation - and far closer to being 
useful than anything currently happening in LENR, but the two are not related 
IMHO. The apparent gain with salt ions and cavitation needs a closer look. I 
could see the injectors being used with a Pelton wheel for instance, which is 
one device which can and has been made salt tolerant. 

As for “dense hydrogen” they could validate the “hydrino” route that Robin 
suggested by trying potassium carbonate as the ion source - as it should work 
better than NaCl (under Mills theory). That would be very easy to do – compare 
potassium and sodium.

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