The tip of the iceberg which is threatening to sink the Titanic, so to speak A study published in the journal Nature-Materials from a team at the University of Exeter, UK describes a magnetic system capable of extracting energy from low grade heat using a so-called thermal ratchet. Also, this longer article is similar - and indicates that the mainstream could have been fooled all these years wrt the real LoT (see the very detailed arguments in the comment section). The Einstein-de Haas effect has always hinted at “overunity”. The thermal ratchet is made from a material known as "artificial spin ice" which comprises of a number of nanomagnets - made of the nickel-iron alloy Permalloy in the Exeter study. The technique is able to turn magnetic energy into a single directed rotation of the magnetization and could explain the Manelas effect and the video in the recent thread about the self-spinning superconductor. The Manelas effect does something similar with self-motion of field lines in a Perovskite ferrite. Magnetization which could rotate in two possible directions is favored in one direction without an obvious reason why it should be preferred over the other. Thus the chirality parameter is important as it relates to inherent asymmetry in structure leading to dynamic asymmetry. Chiral perovskites exhibits oppositely-signed circular dichroism which apparently harnesses photons in the far IR. Sebastian Gliga, the lead author sez: "The system we have studied is an artificial spin ice, a class of geometrically frustrated magnetic materials. We were surprised to see that the geometry of the interactions can be tailored to achieve an active material that acts as a ratchet" …however IMO this should be called a “thermal diode” to cover the more general case not involving mechanical torque which seems to be ignored in this paper. This and a half dozen other studies involving magnetocalorics seems to have a 2nd LoT violation written all over them - since magnetization which results in rotating either mass of field lines in a preferred direction could create current - and the heat could be derived from ambient as evidenced by the cooling of the Manelas effect. We seem to be on the cusp of a breakthrough in thermodynamics. Indeed, because angular momentum is conserved, the change in the magnetic moment of the system can in principle induce either a physical rotation (through the Einstein-de Haas effect) or an inductive effect (Maxwell) or both. Of course the bigger problem which also shows up in LENR and most QM energy anomalies appears to be a “reverse economy of scale” meaning that instead of being able to supersize the effect, it can be optimized only by many smaller units in an array.