It seems that exchanging the dimensions of time for space as suggested would 
imply no way to physically measure either dimension, since the dimensions have 
some physical (measurable) characteristic by definition.  Logically I do not 
follow this proposal.

Bob Cook

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From: Roarty, Francis X <>
Sent: Sunday, November 5, 2017 10:09:38 PM
Cc: Russell, David
Subject: RE: EXTERNAL: RE: [Vo]:Article: This Overlooked Theory Could Be The 
Missing Piece That Explains How The EM Drive Works

Hi Russ, I don’t believe in multiple miracles and pilot wave may explain the 
“execution” of the reactionless anomaly but I  am predicting the underlying 
physics is also responsible for LENR and anomalous heat. I am still convinced 
of a relativistic interpretation of Casimir effect will tie these seemingly 
unrelated anomalies together. No one would argue that the reaction and vector 
of a spacecraft approaching C violates Newton’s law via SR wrt to calculated 
destination vs time and location actually achieved.. of course it all balances 
out with Lorentz transforms as long as we exchange time for space… and I think 
that is what is really happening in both the EM drive and the reports of 
anomalous heat except we are going in the other direction.. we in surrounding 
macro laboratory are now near C relative to a bench experiments of physical or 
RF geometry, nickel powder of LENR or standing waves in closed waveguide of EM 
drive, that both constrict the flow of virtual particles through our plane. In 
claims of anomalous heat I propose the atomic gas gets older thru time dilation 
that we perceive as a super catalyst or Casimir action and IMHO allows for a 
self-assembly of a natural Maxwell’s demon that segregates the atoms, instead 
of by thermal, by time dilation in fractional steps and can discount 
disassociation threshold of molecules to the point of over unity. Likewise I 
suspect standing waves trapped in the trapezoidal closed waveguide of the EM 
drive also oppose virtual particles passing thru and set up regions like a 
relativistic Casimir effect where radio waves repeatedly have their pressure 
upon the opposing walls modified slightly by time dilation and contraction.. 
just like the SR spacecraft you don’t go where Newtonian calculations predict 
and just like the spaceship the axis of the traveling wave is going to see all 
the contraction and dilation upsetting the normal strict 90 degree of time to 
space [at least from perspective of external observer]. Where we need to throw 
copious power into accelerating a ship to near C we can use nature for cheap to 
instead oppose virtual particles entering and exiting the time axis and produce 
these relativistic effects in Casimir effect or using RF energy in a microwave 
cavity [drive the virtual particles].

From: Russ George []
Sent: Monday, October 09, 2017 7:41 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: RE: [Vo]:Article: This Overlooked Theory Could Be The 
Missing Piece That Explains How The EM Drive Works

Yes the paper does help. I like the pilot wave convention as surely something 
of that sort is required to explain the cold fusion process which I have been 
working on for so many years. It takes some doing to convert deuterium to 4He 
and even 3He but that surely is irrefutable.

It is curious that the EM drive which is so far ‘outside of the box’ of 
classical physics seems to be close to ‘cold fusion’ I presume we have simply 
expanded the ‘box’ and are thus able to see the relationships.

Thanks for the paper. I am eagerly awaiting some super cooled EM drive data.


From: Axil Axil []
Sent: Sunday, October 8, 2017 7:37 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Article: This Overlooked Theory Could Be The Missing Piece 
That Explains How The EM Drive Works


Does this paper help?

On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 2:32 AM, Russ George 
<<>> wrote:
Alas once again the world of vulture science has placed this seemingly 
interesting paper behind a paywall. We need a grand inquisitor to take on the 
world of science again but this time to apply the screws to those in science 
who put knowledge behind paywalls. The world cannot afford nor should it 
tolerate this sort of perverse capitalism. Science trolls greedily guarding the 
bridges to knowledge need to be eliminated.

From: Axil Axil [<>]
Sent: Sunday, October 8, 2017 8:23 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Article: This Overlooked Theory Could Be The Missing Piece 
That Explains How The EM Drive Works

What the pilot wave theory applied to the EM drive does not explicitly say is 
that a coherent wave pattern acts like a large particle. The Em drive becomes a 
large particle. It goes to reason if the EM drive where made coherent then the 
EM drive would be very much more powerful because the coherent resonant pilot 
wave would coherently coupled with the EM drive making everything a single 
giant particle.  A superconductive EM drive would do that.

On Sat, Oct 7, 2017 at 9:55 PM, Jack Cole 
<<>> wrote:
This Overlooked Theory Could Be The Missing Piece That Explains How The EM 
Drive Works

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