LENR reporting has had similar features. Reporting excess power in watts/cm3 
disguised the fact that very small volumes were

reported so the real excess power almost never exceeded a watt!

After thirty years no repeatable and verifiable power output has exceeded one 
watt. This may surprise other as it has been a surprise for me as well.
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Nov. 7, 2017

News Headlines

EUROfusion’s Role in the ITER Power Deception

Nov. 7, 2017

The EUROfusion organization has been a key participant in the ITER power 
deception. Three pages from the EUROfusion organization’s Web site illuminate 
the organization’s false and misleading claims.

Generally, misleading or deceptive claims in science are not tolerated. In this 
case, however, members of the worldwide fusion community — with Japan a notable 
exception — have participated in or allowed the deception about nuclear fusion 
progress to run for decades.


ITER Organization Corrects Fraudulent Fusion Claims

Nov. 7, 2017

In response to the Oct. 6, 2017, New Energy Times report “The ITER Power 
Amplification Myth,” managers of the International Thermonuclear Experimental 
Reactor (ITER), now under construction in southern France, have corrected most 
of the false and misleading statements on the organization’s Web site.


List of Corrected Fusion Power Statements on the ITER Web Site

Nov. 7, 2017

In the last 30 days, managers of the International Thermonuclear Experimental 
Reactor (ITER) have corrected false and misleading statements about the 
promised performance of the ITER fusion reactor. The corrections directly 
address the issues identified in the New Energy Times investigative report “The 
ITER Power Amplification Myth,” published on Oct. 6, 2017, and an earlier New 
Energy Times report published on Jan. 12, 2017.


New Energy Times began in 2000 and specializes in investigating and reporting 
the myths, realities, strengths, and challenges associated with low-energy 
nuclear reaction research. New Energy Times is read by people from more than 70 
countries, including those working in civilian, military, financial, academic, 
and industrial capacities, and is 100 percent reader-supported.

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