Hydrinos will interact with bright matter magnetically and therefore is not
dark matter which does not interact with matter in any way save

On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 6:45 PM, bobcook39...@hotmail.com <
bobcook39...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> The spectra of hydrinoes match that spectra of cosmic radiation coming
> from the Milky Way and elsewhere per Mills.  See the following:
> http://brilliantlightpower.com/wp-content/uploads/papers/
> EUV-Mechanism-051817.pdf
> In addition  kIM’s presentation identifying the prediction of WIPMZILLAS
> at 10e-24 eV would not be found by CERN.
> http://susy10.uni-bonn.de/data/KimJEpreSUSY.pdf
> Bob Cook
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com>
> *Sent:* Sunday, November 12, 2017 11:58:57 PM
> *To:* vortex-l
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:dark matter update
> https://www.nature.com/news/dark-matter-hunt-fails-to-
> find-the-elusive-particles-1.22970
> Dark-matter hunt fails to find the elusive particles
> Physicists begin to embrace alternative explanations for the missing
> material.
> *http://frankwilczek.com/2017/axion_searches_01.pdf
> <http://frankwilczek.com/2017/axion_searches_01.pdf>*
> Frank Wilczek surveys searches for his favorite dark matter alternative
> On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 4:23 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> iF wimps existed, the LHC would have created them my now...sadly no wimps.
>> On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 1:34 PM, bobcook39...@hotmail.com <
>> bobcook39...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> For in update on dark matter ideas and experiments see:
>>> http://vixra.org/pdf/1706.0528v1.pdf
>>> In the Milky  Way it may be that the cosmic EM radiation is the
>>> annihilation of the particles making up dark matter at the center.  Wimps
>>> and anti wimps are suggested given the energy of the cosmic rays..
>>> Bob Cook

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