Why superwaves? A known mechanism for wave amplification in rigid structures is called “energy localization” which can be a feature of nanoscale packing of hydrogen in a lattice. When stimulated with two waveforms at different frequencies, a paradigm shift can be engineered on the vibrational modes of bound particles (protons in a lattice). Nuclear reactions can happen in rare cases, but even without them thermal gain is possible at the nanoscale in blatant violation to the Laws or Thermodynamics. This is essentially proved but scaling up to useful levels is not proved.
In the Schrödinger equation you can find the term for quantum kinetic energy as the second derivative of the wave function for place. The closer the particle is confined, the greater the curvature of its wave function and the greater is its quantum kinetic energy (the energy localization). It can be a power law increase, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonlinear_Schr%C3%B6dinger_equation In simpler terms, Quantum kinetic energy is the kinetic energy with which bound protons move through the lattice - and this energy can be nonlinear wrt input. The Heisenberg uncertainty principle dictates that the closer the particle is confined, the smaller its freedom of movement Δx and thus - the more violent it wriggles back and forth, and the greater is his Δp . Intersecting waveforms can provide the increased confinement and the resultant gain is the theory behind the “superwave”. RE: GRANTED US patent which cites the Dardik superwave patent https://encrypted.google.com/patents/US9540960 It is no coincidence that Energetics, Violante, McKubre, Chauvin, Rossi, Brillouin, Kimmel group, etc, all employed similar interfering and self-amplifying RF waveforms as input power. Even if Rossi’s recent effort was a null result, the Euro Patent from Dardik (El-Boher et al) provides a known mechanism for wave power amplification -“energy localization” which is a feature of nanoscale packing of hydrogen in a lattice. Generally the COP is limited to a low range using this mechanism but it can be gainful without nuclear reactions. It is also difficult to scale up. See: http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/AhernBSenergyloca.pdf