​One of the important observations made by MFMP and earlier by others are
that the clusters of "electrons" in a EVO are electrically neutral. That
means that the electrons (up to 10^23 of them) have lost their charge. How
can this be possible?

Currently in solid state physics, ​there is now an understanding that the
properties of electrons can be separated under certain conditions into
three components: charge, spin, and angular momentum. In addition, in
quantum mechanics, a particle can be in two places at the same time. These
conditions permit a collection of electron properties to aggregate into a
soliton while other properties are located in other places.

The charge and angular momentum of the electron can be located on the
surface of some metal as a component of an exciton.​

An exciton is a bound state of an electron and an electron hole which are
attracted to each other by the electrostatic Coulomb force. It is an
electrically neutral quasiparticle that exists in insulators,
semiconductors and in some liquids. The exciton is regarded as an
elementary excitation of condensed matter that can transport energy without
transporting net electric charge​.

The spin component of the electron is in superposition inside the soliton
which can move freely in space and is in an entanged condition with a
photon. This superposition state is a boson and  caries a spin of 2. This
aggregation of quasiparticles results in  a Bose Condensate which forms as
a result of a high density  of these particles.

For more details see


​This "magnon" condensate is superconducting and when the condinsate is
destroyed, the superposition state of the electron aggregation is also
destroyed and the properties of the electron are reunited resulting in the
electron aggregation exploding at the location of the soliton as the charge
and angular momentum properties of the electron combine with the spin
component. A burst of photons are also released in the explosion whose
frequency is based on the excitation level of the soliton before the
explosion occurs.

This explosion of the EVO has been observed in LENR experiments and named
by Dr Yeong E​ Kim as a Bosenova.

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