There is a new study from NASA on dark matter/ dark energy and the 
reinterpretation of the Chandra findings WRT the mystery radiation signature at 
3.5 keV.

CERN has a new report on DM as well. The informed opinion on dark matter swings 
back and forth but for sure, whatever  it is, is no longer dark and this is 
compatible with a version of quantized inertia.

At best, McCulloch’s hypothesis would not eliminate DM entirely but instead 
reduce the need for it - the percentage of mass in galaxies which needs to be 
explained by something other than the standard model. Causality can be 
reconciled so long as we do not insist on extremes. Most importantly, from the 
perspective of LENR, if there is any connection of UDH (ultra dense hydrogen) 
to dark matter, then of course it becomes very relevant for understanding the 
dynamics of dense hydrogen. In short,  even if DM is a lower percentage of all 
mass (lower than ~85%) it can be identified with UDH, and that finding is huge 
for LENR.

In McCulloch’s blog he has a page that covers LENR from the perspective of his 
discussions with Ed Storms and the application of QI to the deuterium lattice. 
From there, he goes on to the  perspective of using advanced semiconductor 
techniques to achieve an ideal matrix of cracks and surface cavities. 

Specifically, McCulloch talks about the geometry of 1 nm as being feasible 
soon,  but this is actually possible now.  Yet-- if the Chandra findings hold, 
especially in the context of Holmlid, then the optimal geometry appears to be 
smaller – about .35 nm which is the wavelength of photons at 3.5 keV. We appear 
to be moving from nano to pico rapidly.

All of which means that silicon valley could find a new technology focus – a 
newer “next big thing” based on using “picolithography” for both information 
and energy.


What do you think about Mikes theory of quantized inertia (QI)? And what about 
his use of QI to explain galactic mechanics without dark matter?  Does the 
emdrive mistake void the concept of QI?

(The Ted talk has been deleted from youtube apparently.

Bob Cook

From: Bob Higgins

I have read McCulloch's book.  His proposition fails in causality.  Filters do 
not form with a filled state, they have a finite impulse response that he 
hadn't addressed when I asked him about it. 

Russ <> wrote:
Here’s Mike McCulloch’s TedX talk last Thursday. It is remarkable work.  
Mike is what one might call as ‘armchair physics anti-matter’ as he annihilates 
the fiction of dark matter with straight forward math and real data, 
eliminating the dark matter fudge that has made a sticky mess of science for a 
long time. 

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