I improved Appendix A, per suggestions from Mel:


Added by Jed Rothwell in 2018

Fleischmann used the designation [kR′] where R is the radiative heat
transfer coefficient, with 2 or 3 subscripts: [kR′] *i, j, l*. The
subscripts mean:

*i* Method of analysis. 1=Differential; 2=Backward integration; 3=Forward

*j* When present: Time period of measurement cycle. When there are only two
subscripts this term is not included.

j=5, times somewhat above the origin

j=6, times somewhat above t1 [application of calibration pulse]

j=7, times somewhat above t2 [cessation of calibration pulse]

j=8, combination of times for j=6 and j=7

*l* Indicates 1=Lower bound; 2=True


[kR′]11 indicates: Differential, Lower bound.

[kR′]262 indicates: Backward integration; Time period 6; True value.

A single bar over the kR′ term indicates this is an 11-point average value,
where values are measured every 5 minutes (55 minutes):

The double bar, used in other documents, indicates a double average; that
is, 6 of the 11-point averages combined (6 × 55 = 330 minutes total):

Source: Miles, M., M. Fleischmann, and M.A. Imam, *Calorimetric Analysis of
a Heavy Water Electrolysis Experiment Using a Pd-B Alloy Cathode* 2001,
Washington: Naval Research Laboratory, pages 4-5. Averages described on
page 12. http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/MilesMcalorimetrd.pdf

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