
I think that the 2-D characteristic of graphene is a key for generation of 
intense magnetic (B fields) to control resonances necessary for LENR to occur 
without energetic radiation.  The magnetic field couples the nucleons’s 
magnetic moments to the atomic graphene structure of orbital electrons with 
their magnetic moments and their electrons intrinsic magnetic moments with l 
and J quantum numbers..

IMHO some folks, like those you identify at LLNL, are stuck in the dogma of hot 
fusion being practical in the future.

It (hot fusion) is way too impractical considering future R&D, fast neutron 
production, related activation of apparatus with tough repair and safe 
handling, bad waste management issues, nasty decommission,   no domestic 
opportunity as an energy source,---all entailing large costs and headaches  
compared to comparable LENR issues.

Bob Cook

From: JonesBeene<>
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 8:03 AM
Subject: [Vo]:What the heck is a Dirac electron?

The blog/page below has a good explanation of the Dirac electron… for anyone in 
LENR who might like to put their own spin on things using excellent insight 
from another (seemingly unrelated) field.

Problem is… that this information is coming from a different technological 
background (which is spintronics in graphene). Typically, there would seem to 
be no obvious connection to LENR but there is, or could be. is itself an interesting story but their focus is only graphene. 
“Graphene” has supplanted “nanotech” as the latest and greatest hot topic in 
science these days.

Not to be left out, the unanswered question on the Dirac electron, from the 
perspective of LENR relates to “dense hydrogen” and the likelihood that the 
experiments and theory  of Holmlid, Mills,. Lawandy, Meulenberg, Mayer, Dufour 
and other high quality theoreticians who have embraced the idea, is whether or 
not all of LENR is simply about dense hydrogen and almost nothing else… It may 
seem that way. Of course the so-called DDL conception of  Meulenberg pops up 
immediately since it incorporates Dirac’s name… as was covered in prior thread 

The conclusion of it all of these slightly variant concepts about dense 
hydrogen can in practice relate directly to graphene, which is the natural home 
of such electrons.

This should tell Leif Holmlid and/or anyone who is using his technique to 
produce UDH (including the geniuses at LLNL who are trying to remain 
anoumymous)  that the ideal “storage medium” of this species is graphene. The 
future of LENR my indeed merge with ICF as practiced at LLNL into a viable 
concept for superhot fusion.

There is some irony here – that it required cold fusion to turn hot fusion into 
something useful.

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