The molecular orbitals of h2 and h liquid/solid do not support metallic 

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On Feb 24, 2018, at 10:27 AM, Edmund Storms 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Andrew,

Finally we are describing the same process although in slightly different ways. 
 We agree, a linear structure is required that, thanks to a unique resonance 
process, can gradually dissipate the fusion energy.  Your are in a better 
position than I am to describe the quantum characteristics of this process.

This basic idea does not come from any theory but only from how the process is 
observed to behave.  The behavior requires a process that can gradually release 
the mass-energy in order to avoid the energetic radiation normally produced by 
all other nuclear reactions. As I have proposed, this reaction can be best 
described as slow fusion in contrast to fast fusion normally observed. The 
challenge is to find a mechanism that allows slow release to take place.

Although the release of mass-energy is called slow, the fusion process would be 
fast by chemical standards and independent of temperature.  Therefore, the 
observed amount of power production would require a slow process that is 
influenced by temperature, as is known to be the case. I suggest the rate of 
power production is determined by how fast D can diffuse to the sites where 
fusion can take place. Once D reaches the site, fusion starts immediately but 
with release of mass-energy that is much faster than any chemical or diffusion 
process. In other words, the fusion process is controlled by several 
independent processes having their own rates.  This adds complexity that no 
theory has yet acknowledged.

I  look forwarded to exploring these ideas with you.


On Feb 24, 2018, at 4:13 AM, Andrew Meulenberg wrote:

If we define metals as materials with electrons that are bound to a lattice, 
but not to an individual atoms, then there is another (proposed) option for 
producing metallic H (at least on the sub-lattice level). K.P. Sinha, Ed 
Storms, and I have all proposed linear defects as a potential source for LENR.

A. Meulenberg, “Pictorial description for LENR in linear defects of a lattice,” 
ICCF-18, 18th Int. Conf. on Cond. Matter Nuclear Science, Columbia, Missouri, 
25/07/2013, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 15 (2015), 117-124
If H atoms are inserted into linear defects of a lattice, the 'random' motion 
of the H2 molecular electrons is constrained. This lateral constraint of the 
electron motion means that, instead of massive pressures needed to bring H 
nuclei close enough together to lower the barrier between atoms, the 
progressive alignment and increasing overlap of the linearized electrons will 
do the same thing at room temperature. Progressive loading of H into the 
lattice defect, may produce a phase change in the H sub-lattice, if conditions 
are right. The proposed conditions are that the lattice structure of the linear 
defect, while strong enough to compress the lateral motion of the H electrons, 
does not strongly impose the lattice spacing onto the sub-lattice. The ability 
of the sub-lattice to alter/reduce its periodic structure means that at some 
point in the loading process the aligned-H2 molecular structure changes to that 
of H(n) and thus the local electrons are now bound to the larger molecule, not 
just to the pairs.

If this alignment happens, and if the sub-lattice spacing can shrink, then a 
feedback mechanism of the electron-reduced Coulomb barrier between protons 
becomes dominant and cold fusion is initiated. A question of the process is the 
nature of the Pauli exclusion principle in this formation of H(n). Spin 
pairing,  both between the individual electrons and between pairs, changes the 
fermi repulsion to bosonic attraction of electron pairs. It is likely that the 
pairing is spatially (and temporally?) periodic and this periodicity will 
introduce resonances between the lattice (fixed) and sub-lattice (variable) 
spacing. These resonances, which depend on lattice, nature of defect, 
temperature, and loading, could be the critical feature of amplitude in 
variations of H(n) nuclear spacing and of rates of cold fusion.

Andrew M.

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