The SAFIRE project got kicked in the teeth with LENR. These professional
scientists really don't know what is going on. Just like in the SunCell,
tungsten vaporizes in nanoseconds. Like the Hutchison effect, tungsten
turns into powder. This video is long but if you are interested in LENR, it
is worth the time. The LENR stuff starts at 33:00, but if you don't know
what SAFIRE is, watch it from the beginning. If you are interested in the
weird stuff that MFMP is finding, you will find more of it in this video.
At 1:03:18, there is a large power discharge that the presenter did not
want to talk about, but in past presentations, the output form these energy
bursts was up to 20,000,000 watts and He3 was found, I have a felling that
the SAFIRE project is in the process of patenting the fusion effects. The
researchers may be going dark on this process. SAFIRE has opened the door
to a new way to do plasma fusion without radiation and neutrons.


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