The magnetic dipole based petal soliton can transform into a monopole based
petal soliton or half soliton.
Tracks of this monipole have been seen in the ash produced by the LION
reactor meltdown.

[image: Lion-O-1kx-track.gif]

Physicists have observed spontaneous symmetry breaking in a petal soliton
that generates its own optical microcavity. Experimentors have demonstrated
experimentally the emergence of spontaneous symmetry breaking in this
ultrahigh-Q whispering-gallery microresonator. The Optical whispering
gallery (WGW) microcavity is the structural topological form that the
Surface Plasmon Polariton assumes in LENR. . These whispering gallery modes
are analogous to the acoustic resonances in the whispering gallery in St.
Paul Cathedral in London.

A critical clue to the role of symmetry breaking in LENR is the observation
that the application of an electrostatic field catalyzes spontaneous
symmetry breaking in the WGW via the Kerr effect.

[image: 1-physicistsob.jpg]

The result of the application of a KERR stimulus is a monopole where just a
single rotating polariton current remains. This current is an amplified sum
of the initial double counter rotating polariton currents. The chiral
handedness of the two counter rotating polariton currents also merge into a
single much more amplified polariton current.

In more detail, it looks like the index of refraction of the vacuum changes
under the influence of EMF.

This idea is the basis for the activation signal in the LENR reaction. The
nature of the vacuum that the polaritons reside in is changed by B and/or E
fields to induce a change of state in the circulation patterns of the
polariton in the cavity. This is the KERR effect. This reorganization of
polariton flow is what focuses the spin components of the polaritons into a
monopole magnetic flux tube beam.

Magnetic and electric properties of quantum vacuum


6. Non trivial vacua

Examples of what is called non trivial vacua can be found in literature.
This essentially

means that light propagates in a vacuum in which a distribution of real or

photons exists. In this case one can calculate an average value for the E2
and B2 and

one can use this value to calculate the corresponding effects due in
particular to four

wave mixing in vacuum. For example the velocity of light propagating

to two parallel infinite conducting plates and in the region between them
has been first

calculated by Scharnhorst [212]. *The variation of the velocity of light is
due to virtual*

*photons energy density which is also responsible of the well known Casimir

Applying the aforementioned discussion to LENR engineering, the application
of an electrostatic field has been listed as a trigger of the LENR reaction
in Rossi's patent. When this electrostatic field is applied, the WGW
produces symmetry breaking which induces a energy transfer between a proton
and a simultaneous decay in that proton via a symmetry breaking based
entangled interface. This causes the counter rotating spin currents to
merge into a single current, thereby forming a monopole.

The rabbit tracks seen in the MFMP videos are formed by this monopole based

These condensates behave like black holes

Regarding: "energy holes"

There is a structure that has been discovered by Ken Shoulders called a
Black EVO. This structure is a cavity that contains photons that cannot
escape to the far field. Another name used for this structure is a analog
black hole. This structure is also found in nanoplasmonics and is called a
dark soliton. These two structures can well be the same thing: a petal

What makes this structures special is the application of the KERR effect to
change the nature of the vacuum in which these photons circulate. The KERR
effect produces a change of state when the speed of light is changed in
which the symmetry of the laws of nature are broken and in which time runs
backward. The speed of light can slow below nominal or increase above


Superluminal X-waves in a polariton quantum fluid



In this work, we experimentally demonstrate for the first time the
spontaneous generation of two-dimensional exciton-polariton X-waves.
X-waves belong to the family of localized packets that can sustain their
shape without spreading, even in the linear regime. This allows the
wavepacket to maintain its shape and size for very low densities and very
long times compared to soliton waves, which always necessitate a
nonlinearity to compensate the diffusion. Here, we exploit the polariton
nonlinearity and uniquely structured dispersion, comprising both positive-
and negative-mass curvatures, to trigger an asymmetric four-wave mixing in
momentum space. This ultimately enables the self-formation of a spatial
X-wave front. Using ultrafast imaging experiments, we observe the early
reshaping of the initial Gaussian packet into the X-pulse and its
propagation, even for vanishingly small densities. This allows us to
outline the crucial effects and parameters that drive the phenomena and to
tune the degree of superluminal propagation, which we found to be in close
agreement with numerical simulations.

There are claims that LENR extracts energy from the vacuum. The question
naturally arises about how can such an improbable thing possibly happen.

A experiment done using a optical cavity shows how the vacuum can tap into
the vacuum fluctuations that occur in empty space to produce real effects.

Dynamical Casimir effect in a Josephson metamaterial

This experiment shows how an optical cavity can be tuned electrically using
the KERR effect in such a way to convert virtual photons into real photons
through the adjustment of the index of refraction of the vacuum in the
cavity to produce a resonance based casimir effect.

The KERR effect is a mechanism to adjust the speed of light in the vacuum
so that the cavity can be modified into a resonance condition in such a way
as to use the casimir effect to extract real photons from the vacuum.

This KERR effect adjustment mechanism might be operable in LENR as well as


The zero-point energy stored in the modes of an electromagnetic cavity has
experimentally detectable effects, giving rise to an attractive interaction
between the opposite walls, the static Casimir effect.

A dynamical version of this effect was predicted to occur

when the vacuum energy is changed either by moving the walls

of the cavity or by changing the index of refraction, resulting in

the conversion of vacuum fluctuations into real photons. Here, we

demonstrate the dynamical Casimir effect using a Josephson
metamaterial embedded
in a microwave cavity at 5.4 GHz. We modulate the effective length of the
cavity by flux-biasing the metamaterial based on superconducting quantum
interference devices (SQUIDs), which results in variation of a few
percentage points in the speedof light.

We extract the full 4 × 4 covariancematrix of the emitted

microwave radiation, demonstrating that photons at frequencies

symmetrical with respect to half of the modulation frequency are

generated in pairs. At large detunings of the cavity from half of the

modulation frequency, we find power spectra that clearly show

the theoretically predicted hallmark of the Casimir effect: a bimodal,

“sparrow-tail” structure. The observed substantial photon

flux cannot be assigned to parametric amplification of thermal

fluctuations; its creation is a direct consequence of the
noncommutativity structure
of quantum field theory.


If the Petal condensate acts like a analog black hole and the heat that
LENR produces is derived from Hawking radiation, then the Hawking derived
photons that exit the petal to the far field will also generate associated
anti photons that will also fall into the the petal. Since the photons and
its anti photon partner are the same type particle, an identical copy of
the photons that radiate out from the petal will also fall into the petal

[image: main-qimg-8cfe81e9535963bf76c7ed3e8050d80a-c]

This implies that the heat that leaves the petal as Hawking radiation will
also be duplicated and stored in the petal. In simple terms, the petal will
progressively grow in size and power over time proportional to the heat
that it releases. Fortunately, the petal has a limited lifetime that
averages in picoseconds. So the petal cannot grow without limit.

The source and flow of energy through the petals and their global
condensates is yet to be determined. But the transmutation that the petal
produces might not be a source of energy gain for the petal. The petal
might just move along, sucking energy out of the vacuum, and transforming
matter as it moves along, just like a storm driven tornado distroys the
countryside as it moves along its way.

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