
Thanks for that response to my question for Robin.  Philippe will be 
interested.  Maybe we can address this issue at the seminar in Fort Collins.

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Andrew Meulenberg <>
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2018 4:48:28 AM
To: VORTEX; Andrew Meulenberg
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Cold Fusion Catalyzed Hot Fission - A promising hybrid orjust 


The experimentally-determined charge distribution of a neutron shows an outer 
"shell" of negative charge and thus the neutron should be polarizable. Had this 
been known early on, when the neutron was considered to be a proton + electron, 
I think the battle for that view would never have been lost and the result of  
relativistic-QM equations indicating deep-electron orbits would have been 
accepted 80 years ago.

[The recently observed 'peak' in negative charge density at the very center of 
the neutron would result from the overlap of electron 'charge' density from the 
greater than nuclear-size deep-orbit electrons. Of course such musing of 
"nuclear electrons" is not allowed in publication because it would violate holy 


On Sun, Apr 22, 2018 at 10:41 PM,<> 
<<>> wrote:


I did not know neutrons have a negative (I assume negative electric field) and 
hence negative charge in any observable time frame.  st there experimental 
evidence for this feature of a neutron?

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2018 6:43:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Cold Fusion Catalyzed Hot Fission - A promising hybrid orjust 

In reply to<>'s 
message of Sun, 22 Apr 2018 20:30:21
>You state:
>“Coupling is not needed. Neutrons are created in the fission of U,”
>I doubt this is the case.  Normal understanding is neutrons exist as an entity 
>in the a nucleus.

...he obviously means "free neutrons" as opposed to bound neutrons.

>Further you state:
>“No mystery there. The free neutrons  start out fast….”
>I assume you mean they have linear momentum before the reaction that carries 
>over and stays with them.
>I doubt it.

...he means that they acquire energy from the fission reaction. However you are
obviously trying to emphasize the fact that neutral particles should be
difficult to accelerate using electrostatics only. That could be true, were it
not for the fact that neutrons have a negative near field, and are in close
proximity to many charged nucleons. Furthermore as you previously mentioned, the
magnetic field probably also plays a role, perhaps even the dominant role.

Robin van Spaandonk

local asymmetry = temporary success

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