
Note that the larger more energetic palaritons do not exist on surfaces of 
small nano- particles dimensions.  If the “petal grafts” are correct, one would 
not expect too much energy can be stored in nano- sized polaritons.   This may 
be effective in keeping the temperature down and avoiding  melting or sintering 
of the metallic lattice.

This may be something else to consider in designing a robust LENR reactor 

Bob Cook

From: Axil Axil <>
Sent: Monday, May 7, 2018 10:06:45 AM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Gamma radiation from LENR

Polaritons always form on the surface of metal. When there is enough of them, 
they naturally begin to come together into a structure that looks like a petal. 
When a critical density is reached, they form a condensate.

This Polariton Bose condensate can store energy. How does this condensate do 
this? The polariton condensate that does this power storage is called a petal 

Coupled counter-rotating polariton condensates in optically defined annular 

Stable Switching among High-Order Modes in Polariton Condensates


As power is pumped into the petal condensate the number of petals increases, 
the frequency of the light that the petals are comprised of increases from red 
to blue to XUV and then to X-ray. The diameter of the condensate also increases 
from nano-meters, to millimeters and then to centimeters. At high energy 
storage levels, the Petal condensate becomes visible to the naked eye. The 
petal condensate can move around.

The petal condensate is comprised of two counterattacking rings of polaritons. 
As the energy is pumped into this condensate, the energy is also stored as 
increasing annular momentum of the rotating rings. The petal condensate just 
contains the spins of electrons and photons. The charge and orbits stay in the 
electric dipole part of the polariton.

The electric dipole that the petal condensate is entangled with also increases 
in size.


The diameter of the dipole increases into the millimeters.

The energy storage potential of a petal condensate can get as high as a few GeV.

In the LION reactor meltdown as well as many other LENR experiments, strange 
radiation is seen. These particle tracks are produced by the energy rich petal 
condensate as it moves around and absorbs energy using self pumping along it 
path of travel.

The basic driver of the LENR reaction is chiral spin polarization. There are a 
number of structures that naturally form in nature that produce this type of 
polarization. The petal condensate is one of them. The petal condensate is make 
up of two counter rotating currents of spin. The two counter rotating rings of 
spin are composed of a right handed spin current and left handed spin current.

On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 7:04 AM, Roarty, Francis X 
<<>> wrote:
Axil, Your paragraph snipped below makes me question a relationship to Casimir 
effect, does your scenario exist even when the pumping of the cavity is just 
virtual particles? Is that enough to form a BEC and a basis for Casimir effect 
rejecting longer virtual particles in the cavity… the effect only occurs in 
conductive plates so the electron cloud and potential for polaritons is 
present. I’m wondering if “nonequilibrium driven disapative systems” is related 
to the vacuum density in these cavities. I assume it applies to both Rossi and 
Mills geometries but you are concentrating on the conversion and shielding 
aspect…. What synergy do you predict between this shielding/conversion aspect 
and the actual source of the gamma? Does your theory require gas atoms in the 
cavity or are you saying that just energy alone pumped into the cavity will 
Axil said[snip][This kind of BEC is a Condensate that forms in nonequilibrium 
driven-dissipative systems. The polariton needs to be pumped with energy 
because it loses energy from the cavity that contains it. If more energy feeds 
the polaritons than leaks out of the cavity in which the polariton forms, it 
can live and grow in power. The amount of nuclear energy that the polariton BEC 
can thermalize is a function of the power that is feed into the Polariton BEC 
and the amount of power that the Polariton BEC loses over a given time(AKA the 
Q factor).[/snip]

From: Axil Axil [<>]
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2018 3:22 PM
To: vortex-l <<>>
Subject: Re: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Gamma radiation from LENR

 hacking radiation

should read

 Hawking radiation

On Sat, May 5, 2018 at 2:44 PM, Axil Axil 
<<>> wrote:
The polariton BEC acts as a analog black hole. It thermalizes gamma via hacking 
radiation which is a thermal level emmision. The heat produced by hacking 
radiation is recovered as energy from the vacuum since the anti photon falls 
back into the BEC. This BEC also produces light whose frequency is a function 
of the density of the polariton condensate. It has been said that Rossi's QX 
reactor produces light from red to blue based on its power level.

The final emission type is muon production.

for more info, see

2.4 Sonic black holes and wormholes in spinor polariton condensates  (page 116)

On Sat, May 5, 2018 at 11:53 AM, Roarty, Francis X 
<<>> wrote:
Axil, would your scenario support effects on gas atoms between these surfaces 
and Casimir/London forces? I like that it explains thermalizing the gamma.


From: Axil Axil [<>]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2018 11:42 PM
To: vortex-l <<>>
Subject: EXTERNAL: [Vo]:Gamma radiation from LENR

Sometimes radiation is produced by the LENR reaction. Why does this occur?

It is my belief that the LENR process that thermalizes nuclear level radiation 
is Bose Einstein Condensation (BEC). If a condition of BEC circumscribes the 
LENR reaction, the BEC will absorb that nuclear level radiation and downshift 
it into the thermal frequency range.

But for a BEC to be created, doesn’t the temperature need to be at super low 
temperatures near absolute zero?

There are two kinds of BEC. The BEC that requires super low temperatures 
involves atoms. The other kind of BEC is the polariton BEC.

See for background see:

This kind of BEC is a Condensate that forms in nonequilibrium 
driven-dissipative systems. The polariton needs to be pumped with energy 
because it loses energy from the cavity that contains it. If more energy feeds 
the polaritons than leaks out of the cavity in which the polariton forms, it 
can live and grow in power. The amount of nuclear energy that the polariton BEC 
can thermalize is a function of the power that is feed into the Polariton BEC 
and the amount of power that the Polariton BEC loses over a given time(AKA the 
Q factor).

What affects the Q factor of a polariton substrate?

Polaritons are a form of light…actually a mixture of matter and light.

Polaritons cannot exist unless they form on a substrate of a metal. The Q 
factor is a character of the substrate; it is a function of how the substrate 
lets light escape the surface of the metal. A rough and pitted metal surface 
will produce a higher Q factor than a shiny smooth mirror like metal surface 
because a rough metal surface reflects light less well than a shining mirror 
like metal surface. In general, this Q factor of surfaces applies to any type 
of wave based EMF including electrons. Superconducting surfaces support the 
highest Q factor. Very little power loss occurs from the surface of a 
superconductor. A polariton condensate will retain it power for months when the 
polaritons are supported on the surface of a superconductor.

A collection of polaritons will form a Condensate when their density reaches a 
critical value based on the quantum gas theory. The formation of a polariton 
condensate has nothing to fo with temperature.

This theory of polariton condensation boils down to these LENR design rule 
associated with eliminating gamma radiation from the LENR reaction.

For a non-fueled reactor.

If you are using the surface of a metal to produce your polaritons, then 
roughen up that surface to make it dull and pitted. This is what Mizuno does to 
his metal surfaces. Mizumo processes his metal surfaces with an electric arc 
until that surface is well pitted.

You can increase the input power pumping of energy onto the surface of the 
metal so that the extra power increases the number of polaritons produced by 
the metal surface thereby causing a polariton condensate to form.
When Rossi had gamma radiation problems, he added a heater to his reactor to 
make sure he stated up a HOT reactor. The thermal pumping to the micro 
particles was increased by the heater so that on startup, the Rossi E-Cat did 
not produce gamma from a cold reactor.

If metal particles are used instead of a metal surface (as per Piantelli), use 
a mix of very wide range of various particles sizes from micro to nano sizes.

For a fueled reactor.

A fueled reactor uses a hydride fuel that contains ultra-dense hydrogen(UDH) or 
ultra-dense lithium to support the LENR reaction. UDH is a superconductor and 
the hydride fuel that supports it will support the LNER reaction at any 
temperature and/or polariton pumping level due to the extremely high Q of the 
surface of the UDH superconductor.

The production of positrons in a LENR reactor.
Without a polariton BEC to thermalize gamma radiation, the LENR reaction will 
produce gamma as a result of positron production.
The LENR reaction is a weak force reaction. When the LENR reaction adds mass to 
the protons and neutrons, they will become excited and decay when the LENR 
reaction adds energy/mass to the quarks inside these nucleons.
As a decay process of these nucleons, both positive and negative muons are 
produced as a decay product. The positive muons come from the decay of 
anti-quarks in the nucleons.
The decay of the positive muon will produce positrons as a decay product.

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