
How do you reconcile the Stubbs evaluation of real probe data?


From: Nigel Dyer <l...@thedyers.org.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 9:10:57 AM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The PP fusion reaction in LENR


Up until a year or so ago I might have gone along with the idea that quarks do 
not exist.  However, my son has produced a nice paper from which the 
fundamental particles (electrons, neutrinos and quarks) emerge in such a 
beautiful way that I am now completely convinced that they are real.   The 
challenge is to get the paper accepted, something this group will be well 
familiar with


On 23/05/2018 06:47, bobcook39...@hotmail.com<mailto:bobcook39...@hotmail.com> 


Quarks are merely a mathematical scheme to help make sense of high energy 
physics.  IMHO the do not exist.  I will send you a separate study of electron 
scattering experiments that shed light on the structure of protons and neutrons.

Bob Cook

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