There is a common belief that a Bose-Einstein Condensate can only be
created at a temperature near absolute zero. This is true for a
Bose-Einstein Condensate of atoms.

But photons and spins can form a Bose-Einstein Condensate at very high
temperatures. Light and spin are not sensitive to temperature. Temperature
only applies to the motion and energy of atoms.

A Bose-Einstein Condensate and a Black Hole are mathematically identical:
they are the same.

Using light, a black hole/Bose-Einstein Condensate can be generated. A
Bose-Einstein Condensate can produce Hawking radiation. That is where the
heat produced by LENR comes from.

See a black hole made from light at 43:26 of the following video. That
vortex of light is also a Bose-Einstein Condensate of photons.

The subject of this video in its entirety is important to understand if you
want to understand LENR.


What is implied if energy is being created from the vacuum?

What if LENR is generating its energy from the vacuum. What if most of the
energy that is being produced in the universe is coming from LENR. This
means that the universe is creating huge amounts of energy from nothing.

Production of energy from the vacuum means that the vacuum is unstable. The
places where energy is being generated from the vacuum, the place where the
LENR reaction is underway is known as a false vacuum.

The modern explanation for the metric expansion of space was proposed by
physicist Alan Guth in 1979, while investigating the problem of why no
magnetic monopoles are seen today. He found that if the universe contained
a field in a positive-energy false vacuum state, then according to general
relativity it would generate an exponential expansion of space.

In other words, LENR could be the cause of the expansion of the universe,
dark energy, and dark matter.


If we want to understand LENR in fine detail, things can get very
complicated and obscure.

Hawking radiation generated by a Bose-Einstein Condensate produces a
positive energy photon and a balancing negative energy photon to keep the
total vacuum energy generated at zero. What is a negative energy photon?
And how is this type of photon realized in LENR?

A cornerstone of modern physics is mathematics. Like it or not, without the
tools provided to physicists by mathematics, physics would be dead in the
water. But (and this is something that all of us forget on occasion)
solving equations is not the same as understanding the physics. A critical
step in the development of physical insight is to recognize which solutions
to an equation might correspond to reality, and which do not.

To give a concrete example, the equations of physics are blind to the
direction of time, yet we know that solutions that involve time going
backward are usually (but not always) invalid.

Unfortunately, as a recent publication in Physical Review Letters shows,
even the brightest and best can get this wrong, and do so repeatedly over
the course of years. A team of physicists has shown that light with a
negative frequency (thought to be a quirk of the equations) actually, in
some sense, exists.

The equations in question are Maxwell's, and they describe the propagation
of light. When describing the propagation of light, the equations require
that we describe the light field as having both positive and negative
frequencies. A negative frequency would indicate a wave made up of photons
that have a negative energy, something that doesn't necessarily make a lot
of sense.

Using light to make light

A team of researchers has shown that, in some sense, negative frequencies
can be observed through the generation of radiation with a positive
frequency. To explore this idea, they looked at very intense light fields
moving through certain types of glass and glass fibers. When the light
field is very intense—as is the case when a very short, intense burst of
light is created—this can lead to some very cool effects. In particular,
when the light is passing through a material, the light field pushes the
electrons around so hard that the electrons start to push back.

In a material like glass, the electrons can only move so far before they
will be ripped away from the atom they are bound to. The harder you push
them, the more they resist. So, for a weak light field, the electrons move
smoothly back and forth in exact imitation of the light field that is
pushing them around. As they move in response to the field, they radiate
light at exactly the same color.

But when the field is very strong, the electrons don't follow the field
exactly. If they did, they would be ripped away from their parent atom, and
the field isn't strong enough to give the electrons enough energy for that.
Instead, they just stop moving at some point. The result is that the
electrons radiate light at all colors. Or, more simply, our pulse of light
with one color generates another pulse of light with a different color. As
the two pulses travel together, energy is drawn from the input pulse and
placed into the new pulse, so as long as they overlap, the second pulse
will grow brighter and brighter.

Warning: Things are about to get complicated

This process is all described by Maxwell's equations for the propagation of
light through a material. But the solutions to Maxwell's equations are
rather weird. Remember, every light field is described mathematically by a
positive and a negative frequency. If we just consider the positive
frequency component, then there are four solutions to the equation. These
correspond to light waves that have positive and negative frequencies, and
waves that are travelling in the same and opposite direction to the initial
pulse of light.

The researchers ignore the two solutions corresponding to waves travelling
in the opposite direction to the input pulse because they are not
amplified. Any pulse that travels in the opposite direction does not
overlap with the input pulse for very long, and there is no time to
transfer much energy to the generated pulse.

Of the remaining two solutions, one has a positive frequency and travels
with the generating pulse, allowing it to be amplified. This is commonly
observed. The last solution corresponds to a negative frequency, also
travelling with the input pulse. This solution, which should produce
photons with negative energy, was thought to be an artifact of the
equations and did not correspond to anything physical.

But that field itself consists of positive and negative frequencies. And
(believe it or not) the negative frequency component of the negative
frequency solution is a positive frequency. Or, you might think of it like
this: the negative frequency element of the input pulse also generates four
solutions that have both positive and negative frequencies.

In either case, what this tells us is that there should be a third pulse of
light—remember, we have our input pulse of light, which generates a second
pulse of light at a different (bluer) color, and now, thanks to the
negative frequency solution, we get a third pulse of light at an even bluer
color than the rest.

The researchers performed experiments showing that this extra pulse of
light is indeed generated. The experimental results show that negative
frequency radiation, in some sense, exists. But it also shows that these
frequencies are only observed by their generation (either directly or
indirectly) of positive frequency radiation. However, the researchers do
not go further in interpreting the physical realization of negative
frequency modes. I suspect that in the context of classical
electrodynamics, this is actually impossible, and one has to resort to
using quantum electrodynamics to interpret the negative frequency modes.

Physical Review Letters, 2012, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.253901

I highlight the answer concisely as follows:

"In either case, what this tells us is that there should be a third pulse
of light—remember, we have our input pulse of light, which generates a
second pulse of light at a different (bluer) color, and now, thanks to the
negative frequency solution, we get a third pulse of light at an even bluer
color than the rest."

In LENR when negative energy photons are produced by Hawking radiation
generated as a virtual pair made real, the light that is generated is bluer

In more concrete terms, if infrared light (heat) is the positive photon
produced by Hawking radiation in a LENR reactor, then visible light is the
balancing negative light energy component of the photon pair that is
extracted from the vacuum.

In a number of LENR reactors, heat is generated, but also visible light, as
well as extreme ultraviolet light. The light generated by the SunCell and
the SQ reactor are examples. The extreme ultraviolet light produced by
these systems could well be the light derived from vacuum based negative
energy photons.

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