Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances 

   ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Harvey Norris <>To: 
Tesla Coil Mailing List <>Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2019, 
4:14:56 PM ESTSubject: Re: [TCML] Tesla help
 Antonio  Queiroz wrote;  Resonance happens when you associate 
capacitors and inductors as if they were resistors so the resulting 
reactance goes to zero (simplest case, L in series with C) or to 
infinity (simplest case L and C in parallel). .    These descriptions are not 
all inclusive where for multilayered coils because of internal capacity between 
windings opposing cancelling reactances in series will not completely negate 
those reactive effects in opposition; Radio Engineering :F.E. Terman;  
Properties of Resonant Circuits "It is to be noted that the apparent Q of a 
coil is decreased by self capacity." As a result of this cancelling reactances 
to the source voltage can be demonstrated; but their Ohms law conduction at 
series resonance does not occur, which can be measured on multilayered coils as 
a % of decrease of value from the mathematically formulated ideal q factor 
expressed as X(L)/R. Additionally the (apparent) series resonant rise of 
voltage with respect to it's input voltage will be smaller then that predicted 
from the ideal Q factor, not delimited by internal capacity of that 
measurement. Additionally the reactance towards the source for parallel 
resonance cannot be infinity, otherwise the resonant rise of amperage from the 
source to the load could not be measured as a ratio to begin with. Perhaps you 
are speaking with specific air core examples which may be distantly related to 
analogies of directly  line coupled driven examples. Sincerely Harvey D Norris

Pioneering the Applications of Interphasal Resonances 

    On Thursday, February 7, 2019, 5:46:32 PM EST, Steve White 
<> wrote:  
 Hello Marcus,

Its good that you want to know the theory and equations behind the tesla coil. 
After you learn the required equations, save yourself some trouble and just use 
JAVATC. All of those calculations are rolled up in that design program. It also 
takes into account a lot of the more obscure effects that will also affect the 
performance that you may not be aware of. If you enter all of the parameters 
accurately, it is surprisingly accurate, at least it was so for my coil. The 
primary tap point (11.5 turns) predicted for my coil with JAVATC was within 1/4 
turn of the optimum tap point. That is some good modeling.

Steve White
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

----- Original Message -----
From: "Anthony Dresden" <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 6, 2019 10:05:15 PM
Subject: [TCML] Tesla help

First off, this is amazing thank you so much for providing this site.
I am having some difficulty with resonance formula. I can solve for
Xc(because frequency,and capacity are given numbers) but how do I get
inductive reactance figures, I have tried formulas that involve the number
of coils, gauge of wire, resistance, frequency,ect. Could you please she'd
some light on the subject. As I don't have the instraments to collect this
Thank you much.
Marcus Anthony.
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