Ah, yes, the CSICOPs.  It's been a while since I thought of them.  Used to
argue with them on CompuServe and the news groups.

In similar news, even The Onion has financial woes:


On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 5:59 PM Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:

> It doesn't help things that the recent issue of Skeptical Inquirer
> magazine, which I occasionally enjoy reading (with one notable exception)
> has as its cover story...
> Yup, you guessed it. "Myths of Endless Energy"
> The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry
> <https://www.csicop.org/si/archive/category/volume_43.1>
> The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry
> The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry promotes science and scientific
> inquiry, critical thinking, science educatio...
> <https://www.csicop.org/si/archive/category/volume_43.1>
> Terry Blanton wrote:
> Jones Beene wrote:
> Eat your heart out, ITER !! (which is pronounced "eater" by critics, due
> in part to way this boondoggle project eats up billions of wealth with so
> little to show).
> There have to be some damned tight puckering strings in France after the
> ANS published Holmlid's paper.  This will shut down that muda, mura, muri
> project almost overnight.  Surely there are already whisperings of this on
> the fusion groups.

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