Dave ---

Brian reports that cooling of the device was a surprise.

A bigger surprise for me was the reported decrease in powwer being generated 
during intense aurora displays, and, I assume disruptive magnetic fields,  
generated by of the solar magnetic storms.

This occurance partially answers you question regarding magnetic shielding of 
the device during testing.

Data regarding the intensity of the disruptive magnetic fields most surely 
exists somewhere in the open literature.  For me the variance of the local 
magnetic field influences the resonant coupling of the nano black powder and 
the strotium-ferro alloy makig up the device.  Since the device did not shut 
down completely during the disruptive events, there may be evidence that the 
device is self shielding up to a point.  I think some of the device may be 
ferro-electric and via electric potential allow generation of desired coupling 

The following from WIKIPEDIA is instructive:

The internal electric dipoles of a ferroelectric material are coupled to the 
material lattice so anything that changes the lattice will change the strength 
of the dipoles (in other words, a change in the spontaneous polarization). The 
change in the spontaneous polarization results in a change in the surface 
charge. This can cause current flow in the case of a ferroelectric capacitor 
even without the presence of an external voltage across the capacitor. Two 
stimuli that will change the lattice dimensions of a material are force and 
temperature. The generation of a surface charge in response to the application 
of an external stress to a material is called 
piezoelectricity<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piezoelectricity>. A change in 
the spontaneous polarization of a material in response to a change in 
temperature is called 

The ferro-electric characteristic allows external control of desirable resonant 
frequencies.  Changing the H (ambient magnetic field intensity) would change 
the resonant frequencies critical in the coupling between atomic structures and 
nuclear entities and spin dynamics of the various primaty particles with 
intrinsis spin.

Some of Brian’s slides presented during Fall at the COFE  10 conference with 
Thomas Valone is brief discussion of Brians testing with others.

The link which follows gives examples how eigen states change in the present of 
a magnetic field.


Bob Cook

From: Brian Ahern <ahern_br...@msn.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2019 8:14:47 AM
To: Dave Roberson; vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Magmo in the land of lost wages...

The cooling was a surprise.We expected to do much more testing. Alas, it was 
not to be.

From: Dave Roberson <dlrober...@aol.com>
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2019 8:03 PM
To: vortex-l@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Magmo in the land of lost wages...

Sent from 
 for Windows 10

From: Brian Ahern<mailto:ahern_br...@msn.com>
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2019 7:31 AM
To: bobcook39...@hotmail.com<mailto:bobcook39...@hotmail.com>; 
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Magmo in the land of lost wages...

I want to let Vortex folks know that I did not merely hear about the Manelas 
device. I and two other engineers performed many tests over 18 months.

It worked. Manelas disassembled it to make a better one, but he stroked out on 
September 25 2012. I have the components, but  no circuit diagram.

I like Bob Cooks comments herein and I now believe that bifilar windings are 

That is important information Brian.  During your testing did you isolate the 
device inside any form of magnetic shielding?  Also, did the device performance 
depend upon its orientation?

I recall that the brick cooled during operation, did anyone measure the heat 
flow into the brick to see how much heat energy was being absorbed from the 
local environment?

You are the right person to ask about interesting observations and I hope that 
you will share as much as you can.


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