Harry Veeder wrote:

> I doubt we can accomplish that. 95% of the men in Saudi Arabia consider Bin
> Laden a national hero because he attacked us, and I expect a similar
> proportion support him in the UAE.

Did you take a poll?

No, the government of Saudi Arabia did. This is described in the book "Imperial Hubris," which was written by the top CIA expert in middle east terrorism. I have not seen a poll for the UAE. I think the number was 95%, but I cannot find the page in this book where it is described.

> These people hate our guts as violently as
> we hated the Nazis, because they feel that we supported tyrannical governments
> for the past 50 years.

Most people in North America were able to hate the German government
without hating the German people . . .

Okay, make that the Japanese. In the U.S. at the end of WWII, 13% of the U.S. favored exterminating every remaining Japanese man, woman and child. A much larger fraction was in favor of severely punishing Japan by destroying all of their remaining industry and leaving them to starve. Huge billboard were erected in many Pacific Naval bases saying, "Kill Japs. Kill More Japs. Kill The Yellow Bastards. - Admiral Bull Halsey, 7th Fleet Commander." In December 1945, 23% of U.S. respondents to a public opinion poll said it was a shame U.S. did not have time "to use many more atomic bombs before Japan had a chance to surrender." In 1943 bestseller said the fight against Japan must continue "until not alone the body but the soul . . . is annihilated, until the land . . . is plowed with salt, it's men dead and its women and children divided and lost among other people." See: J. Dower, "War Without Mercy.

Needless to say, the Japanese felt the same way about the U.S. Many on both sides still do feel that way. It will take generations for this to heal. For that matter, there are still large numbers of white people in the US South who hate the north, and have never forgiven them for the Civil War. (I have never heard of a black person who feels this way.) I know one woman who will not accept a five dollar bill because it has Lincoln on it.

- Jed

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