This is a well-written article about the apparent claim of room temperature 
superconductivity coming from India last year,

The problem is that there is still no replication and the upgraded paper is 
less than adequate, given the importance of the claim.

Where are the replicators???

The interesting thing is that that only two elements are needed – gold and 
silver. Ubiquitous. Since these are readily available the critical detail then 
is getting the “nano” structure correct as clearly no alloy of gold and silver 
come close to RTSC by a factor of perhaps 10,000:1.

There could be alternative ways to do this, including sputtering.

For instance – we have a well developed nano-lithography industry in place in 
the computer chip industry.

If RTSC is indeed possible with any combination of nanostructure using silver 
and gold – there is no better place to stage a replication attempt than in a 
chip fab or lab.

Therefore the “gorilla in the closet” which everyone seems to be neglecting on 
this claim is IBM.

They set the standard for both HTSC, having invented it, and for state of the 
art chips. They have a ready market. There is no greater fit for this tech on 
planet earth.

Where art thou IBM ?

Given the big picture, I cannot imagine that you have not taken notice…


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