JonesBeene <> wrote:

> Why not put the reactor in a water bath and confirm the excess heat that
> way? … or water flow.

I think a water bath would kill the heat. As we wrote in the paper:

We recommend air-flow calorimetry for this experiment. The reactor walls
must be hot for this reaction to occur. In previous experiments we used
water-flow calorimeters with cooling coils up against the reactor walls, or
cooling coils with insulation between the coil and the wall. Both types
removed heat too quickly, reducing or eliminating the reaction. The
calorimeter is an integral part of the experiment. It can interfere with
the results, or enhance them.

A Seebeck calorimeter might work. The internal conditions resemble those of
an air-flow calorimeter.

I think it is important that the calorimeter not cool the outside wall of
the reactor much more than this air-flow calorimeter does. I think that
would interfere with the reaction, or prevent it. That was a problem with
Mizuno's earlier calorimeter, as we described in some of the papers. It was
also the problem with McKubre's calorimeter, according to Fleischmann.
Fleischmann and McKubre strongly disagreed about this.

Fleischmann emphasized that the calorimeter is an integral part of the
experiment. It can interfere with the experiment. This must be prevented.
To replicate an experiment, you have to think carefully about how the
calorimeter in the original experiment works, in terms of heat removal,
operating temperatures and so on.


> Few observers are going to be satisfied with air flow alone.

Good. That's a litmus test to filter out pathological skeptics. Seriously,
after looking at the ICCF21 paper and and Figs. 2 through 7 of this paper,
I do not think anyone can come up with a plausible reason why a 10 deg C
temperature difference might be an artifact. (In Fig. 5.) Anyone who thinks
it might be an artifact should ignore this experiment. The ICCF21
calorimetry was close enough to the margin that I myself had some doubts
about it, as I described here:

*This* is a different story.

> Does high heat transfer quench the effect?


- Jed

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